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    I can't find a thread devoted to caregiver exercise so thought I would start one. A couple of the men have started walking and some of you do the gym or whatever so here is CHECK IN.

    I am starting at the gym tomorrow. Long overdue. DH is doing PT and they will let me use the machines while he is having his therapy. Will see how it goes.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    i need to make myself exercise. period. no excuses anymore..i will try! divvi
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    I was snowed in here for 3 weeks and didn't get out to the Y as I try to do 3 x weekly.I sure felt it! Aches, pains, lack of social contact, felt like a stump. I did exercises at home, but missed the great equipment that I can adjust to within 1/2 pound. I have ankylosing spondylitis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis, and exercise is essential. Divvi, if I'm going to try to be as wise as you, then you have to try to exercise like me. Make it YOUR treat to yourself. Go to the best available and enjoy!
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009 edited
    divvi, you need to find some sort of exercise that you enjoy. As long as it feels like "work" to you, you'll never keep at it. I used to play racquetball all the time ... it was fun (provided I didn't play with a man who was mortally offended at being beaten by a woman!) and I played several times a week for fifteen years. That's out now, I have a back problem that eliminates doing anything that increases the chance of falling down.

    Now, I walk by a lake every day, with my husband. He adores it, starts getting ready hours ahead of time. It's peaceful and beautiful, and I take binoculars along to try to identify the birds. We have a route that's just shy of two miles, and it takes us about 40-45 minutes (depending on how much birding I do.) We have "friends" who are there almost every day and greet us. A couple of more serious birders are delighted to answer my questions.

    30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, like going for a walk, that's all you really need to make a huge change in your health -- mental as well as physical.

    My father used to take my AD mother walking in the mall during too-hot or too-cold weather. Many malls open early just for exercisers (the stores aren't open.)
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    I'm an avid work out person..not that I really like going to the gym except as a get away, but I have been taking private Pilates insruction for two years, and it has changed my entire body.I couldn't walk 1/4 of a mile with hurting so badly I needed to sit (arthritis). I can walk forever now..Pilates and fish combo in the world, I think. My arthritic hands also don't ache as they did due to increased blood flow from Pilates. Now, that said, there are various Pilates studios..some good and others very bad. We are fortunate here to have one of the country's best. My treadmill died just before the holidays, so I went nuts during the snow/ice mess. Can't afford a new one, and my son hasn't been able to get this one working again...sadness regins. I have belonged to the same gym (name has changed a zillion times) which is now Bally's since 1984...used some years more than others, but it is always a great back up when weather stinks. I couldn't walk or survive mentally without all of the above.
    I was doing a high impact aerobics class 4xweek and walking 5-6 miles on the week-end. My knee will be splinted for 6 weeks followed by intensive therapy. I don't even want to think about the evil shape I will be in by then.
    • CommentAuthordking*
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    kathi37 checkout it's a classified buy/sell/swap kind of place, localized. There is also a 'free' section. Somebody is always giving away a treadmill (at least in St. Louis). You have to pick it up usually. It's interesting to see the stuff that people just want out of their house. My recliner broke and I got a free, leather recliner. Got to have a recliner.
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009

    I have never found a form of exercise that I enjoyed. I like to read, watch tv, socialize, do needlework - but not exercise! That said, I do try to ride my recumbent bike or walk at least 30 minutes every day.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    dking, thanks...I have sold lots of stuff on Craig's List, and have been checking it for a treadmill, but nothing has shown up yet here. However, thanks for the reminder..I'll look again now.
    • CommentAuthorGerry
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    Tom and I go to Planet Fitness and try to go at least 3 times a week. Sometimes more...some less. We both enjoy it.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    kathi37, didn't Bally's just file for bankruptcy? And I thought I saw something about them being up for sale...

    Janet, you just hafta try harder. <grin> Think outside the box. What about gardening?
    I had always walked 3-5 miles/day at the gym when I was working. Did it every evening and continued when DH was DX'd = for awhile. But can't leave him now to do that. So have to settle for: walking the dog 3 times a day at least; when I have to go up or down our stairs, I always try to RUN. When weather permits, I do gardening, although don't know a thing about it. LOL but it's a good stress reliever. Of course DH always wants to "help" me. We have some interesting combinations of flowers/plants growing, thanks to his suggestions! (grin)
    Janet--what about dancing? I never liked exercise either, but about 20 years ago a friend got me to try an aerobic dance class, and I was hooked. Aerobic dance is out of vogue now in the exercise world, but it did get me into the habit of regularly exercising and I still enjoy going to my cardio/strength classes. Probably the biggest benefit is that it's my best form of stress release--healthier than eating chocolate and cheaper than shopping!
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    Since I don't get out of the house, I basically bought a pedometer and tried to get the total number of steps up. Between the knees and the asthma, I've never gotten to 10,000. In fact I've never gotten to 9,000.

    Basically I've pulled back on the steps so I have the energy to do some physical therapy exercises. It is amazing just how much stronger I've gotten in a few weeks, but, if I hadn't started a bunch of even easier exercises, and the steps, I wouldn't have been strong enough to do those basic physical therapy exercises.

    For a while there just before the diagnosis I was doing senior in-chair exercises at a local gym. They closed down, and there was no way I could get out to them these days. But it was fun to do stuff with a bunch of other people. I'd gotten to the point where I was doing stage two programs. Mostly standing up, with the chair to hang onto if necessary. I'm about at that point again now on my own.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    Bally's is going under? Haven't seen that...just what I need..I just re-uped :-(
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    I had never been an athlete until I was diagnosed with diabetes 5 years ago and increased my walking. After a while that didn't seem like real exercise and I tried running. Running every day gave me knee and hip problems so I took up bicycling (I had done bicycle touring in college). Then I ran into a book titled Slow Fat Triathlete and I got bit by the triathlon bug. I did short races the first year, moved up to the next distance my second year, and in 2007 I did a half-ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13 mile run--it took me just over 8 hours). Last year, after my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's and the beginnings of Lewy Body Dementia, I only did short races. But this past fall I decided that this upcoming year is my best chance to live my dream and I'm signed up for an iron distance race ( next fall. I'm in the process of getting a coach to guide me in my training. It is what I am doing for me in this stage where my husband can still be left alone, and also I find exercise works for me to manage stress and depression.
    pamsc-live your dream
    ttt (to the top for bicycling and other sports)
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009 edited
    I swim with friends one morning a week and it's one of an average of three times a week that I leave DH alone. I don't warn him ahead of time because he will be angry; just tell him I'm getting up early to go swimming. When I get home after about two hours he always is angry because I've been gone too long. It doesn't help to rush home so I've decided I may as well take my time. The anger doesn't last long; he is usually easily distracted.
    Meanwhile I get plenty of other exercise all week because he wants to go bicycling all the time. This morning he wanted to cycle to IKEA for breakfast so we did that, then later to the supermarket to get groceries. And again just down along the river for a ways after supper. When I feel bullied about doing more cycling than I would really like (he gets angry when I refuse) I try to remember that this stage may be over far too soon when he will be unable to cycle and I may look back nostalgically to these cycling days.
    I'm still going to the gym 3 days a week, most weeks, to work out on the treadmill and arc trainer. Gourdchipper, are you still walking?
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    Because most of the winter was gloomy and my damnedknee was so painful, I am woefully out of shape. Barely can "walk the zoo" which is about a mile altogether. And when I do all my body aches. I'm looking forward to getting out to the island (THURSDAY!!!) and getting back in shape just a little bit! For the first time in my life, I really feel OLD. (I am, of course, I'm 73, but I've never felt it until now) I am now thinking I can't move out of this two story house fast enough!
    <<Gourdchipper, are you still walking? >>

    Running would be more like it, marsh -- hanging onto the end of Lucy's leash! She really drags me along much faster than I'd normally walk for the first mile or so, but then begins to slow down by the time we enter the home stretch. Trying to keep up with her has made my calves sore. Still getting out most days -- sometimes early mornings, other times late afternoons.
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2009
    I love my morning walk with the dogs. Now that the weather is better, I will add a short one at night some nights. This is good for me (exercise, fresh air, relaxation and time with my dogs). This is good for the dogs (exercise, more exercise, less fighting and time with Mommy).

    Stretching is an important part of exercise, particularly as you get older. If I don't stretch a couple of times a day, I find that I get very stiff and can get sore when walking. At 51, I am very proud of the fact that I can still touch my toes and put my palms flat on the ground. Good stretches throughout the day also help with carpal tunnel and all kinds of other muscle related things.
    therrja I'm older than you and I can still do the same. We do aerobics at olur club house every morning and do the streches at the end of class when muscles are warmer and more pliable. We do warm-ups at the beginning.
    Ouch and double ouch -- touching my toes would hurt real bad, and palms on the floor would be beyond impossible -- do you ladies have extra long arms?
    No-short legs
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2009
    I can only get to the pads of my palms (finger side). Gonna work on getting the whole palm on the ground. Thanks for the motivation!
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2009
    I LOVE this thread!!!!!! All the great suggestions - especially pamsc. I am going to look for that book. I don't believe I will ever be doing triathalons, but maybe a little faster walking.

    I had to start doing some exercise as my weight, BP, lipids were all up and my doctor was very kind, but told me I was going to wind up in the hospital if I didn't take better care of myself. I joined a popular weight loss program and they now have a walking program. I joined their walking club. We meet every Saturday and have all signed up for a 5k race - us walking of course.

    I am 71 and I have never done anything like that before and I find it so inspiring, exciting and stress reducing. I have only lost 10 pounds - I still stress eat, but at least I am out everyday walking 3 to 4 miles. I sleep so much better and look forward to getting away from the fires that I have to put out.

    And therrja - stretching is so important and it is something I have to make myself do. I can't believe how tight I have gotten over the years.
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2009
    dagma3, good for you. Not only will walking reduce stress, enhance sleep and decrease weight, but is good for helping to ward of osteoporosis. I do a lot of walking, but can't imagine ever doing what pamsc does. Amazing . . .