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    • CommentAuthorskee
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2008
    Has anyone seen the report that has been made available on the Alzheimer's web site?
    It is a report summarizing the findings of a 2 year study of persons in early stage Alzheimer's. It is titled "Voices of Alzheimer's Disease" and has quotes from AD patients.

    According to this report, there are approximately 5.2 million people in the US who have AD. There may be as many as one half who are in the early stages. The Alzheimer's Assn has not really been offering much support for early stage patients, and they are interested in changing this.

    I know most of the people who post on this site are beyond the early stages, but there are probably a lot of us "Lurkers" who are dealing with early stages. This report doesn't come out and say it, but it is implied that the early stages can last much longer than most people realize.

    When my wife was diagnosed I did not expect to be here two years later with the same level of symptoms as when first diagnosed.
    I have learned a lot from this web site and attribute that to being able to interact with her so as not to aggravate the effects of AD.

    Thanks to all who continue to share their experience and wisdom with us.
    skee, if you would like, please let us know where you are from and your ages. There are two "discussions" related to these topics. Thanks.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2008

    I encourage you and everyone who posts here to please always log onto the home page of this website daily - - there are always Daily News Updates on the latest articles related to Alzheimer's Disease right at the beginning of the front page. I did post that article from the Alzheimer's Association, but I do not keep them up for more than 2 days - I then immediately archive them into the "articles of interest" section on the left side of the website. If you click that on, and scroll to the topic heading - Alzheimer Patients Speak for themselves", that one you are speaking of will be the first one. Anyone who is interested, can click on it and read.

    Also, check the section on the left on the Washington DC forum. There is a video of early stage patients speaking for themselves. Excellent video.

    • CommentAuthorskee
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2008
    Yes, I do log onto the home page, but I don't get to it "daily", so I missed your reference to this article.

    Mary in Montana,
    What are the two "discussions" that you refer to?

    We are from Minnesota, I am 72 and my wife is 74.
    one is called "where are you from" and I just brought this one to the top, and the other is "what are the age groups" and it is a couple below your discussion. Obviously, I am from Montana and we are in our mid-50s. My DH is undiagonised and I am pretty sure he has FTD.
