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    • CommentAuthorjav*
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
    does anyones lo take cymbalta for depression. my dh has terrible crying. really bad this week. one dr wants him to change from 20mg of lexapro to 30mg of cymbalta for depression. this is a dr that does not know dh,but was told he has eoad and depression. drs out there please give me your oppinions. everybody give me your views on this switch of meds if you know anything about them. jav
    • CommentAuthorsandy D
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Cymbalta is a compo anti-depressant It can be helpful for both anxiety and depression. My limited experience with my patients has not impressed me too much but some people have great results. Just not everyone. Wellbutrin is a very good antidepressant that does not cause much in the way of mood swings and actually helps alot with the apathy that AD patients have. The problem with antidepressants are they work for some but not for others. The only way to know if it will work for you is to try, remember that just because you start it does not mean you cannot stop it.
    My DH's doctor has prescribed Cymbalta, even though his depression is very mild. She said, besides helping with depression and anxiety, it would help him focus better and may even help with his pain. This is the only thread I could find about this drug. Sandy D said, it helps some but not all. Just wondered if anybody here takes Cymbalta and is it helping?
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2008
    My husband takes Cymbalta. His psychiatrist said that it would help him with his depression, anxiety and focus. He was on Lexapro for a few years before the Cymbalta but it stopped working for him. He did have apathy and was really quiet before he started on Cymbalta. It seems to work well for his depression and anxiety but not for his focus. I don't know if that is because he has FTD and part of that is not following through on things.
    Thanks, deb. I think my DH has regular AD instead of FTD. Depression is not a big problem but he does get really down sometimes. He can't "make his mind work right" and the spinal stenosis causes so much pain. He has also had times of anxiety when he tells me he can't relax and is nervous about something and doesn't know what. We have a drug plan where we order our prescriptions from CareMark. It will be around 10 days before we start the Cymbalta. I do hope it works for him. Like everybody else here, I really hate this disease.
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2008

    I have seen online that cymbalta is also prescribed for fibromyalgia and other types of nerve pain. Maybe it will help your DH with his pain.
    • CommentAuthorjav*
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008
    update: my dh has been on wellbutrin since this thread was started in aug. his neurologist wanted him to take it along with his other meds. it has helped. jav
    jav, did your DH take the Cymbalta for a while and then change to Wellbutrin? I don't know why my DH's doctor chose Cymbalta instead of Wellbutrin. It may have been because he is in such bad pain and Cymbalta might help with that.

    We're going to give it a try but it's good to know there are other medications out there. Sandy D's advice that just because we start it, doesn't mean we can't stop it.
    Thanks Sandy, jav, and deb for your input.