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    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008 edited
    I cannot walk into my sewing/computer room without checking this site...which means I am not doing the things I should be doing. I have 2 items I am supposed to be making for my neice in Scotland and I make Baptismal hankies for the infants being Baptized in our church. Not to mention clothes I need to alter for myself and a cupboard full of fabric to be made into clothes. Tomorrow I am going to TRY and just check once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening. I hope I don't get withdrawal pains. lol.
    I can relate to you exactly. I check in a hundred times a day. My Granddaughter also has a Blog on another site and I also check it numerous times a day. This about the extent of my interaction with real live people.
    • CommentAuthorFLgirl*
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
    I've always been a computer lover, but this site has me hooked. It seems that there is always something to read as many times as I check it and I feel like I'm really talking to people who understand. I can't get online when I travel to my Mom's so it's be tough for 2 days!!
    The reason we're all hooked on this site is because we're all going through the same thing just at different stages. We give each other strength to go on. I, too, check in several times a day. Like Jean21, I'm leaving other things undone to come here.
    What the heck. It will still be here to do tomorrow, unfortunately...
    • CommentAuthorMya
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
    LOL I so relate. The computer is my social network. Tomorrow I go back to work and am leaving hubby w/a caregiver so I will be embarking on a new phase of this journey. I won't be able to check in as often but I should be able to at least once a day.

    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
    mya, If you check once a day it may take you a while to get through everything.LOL
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    I check this site several times a day also. I have become a sponge, trying to absorb every bit of knowledge & experiences offered.
    • CommentAuthorcarewife
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    I check in to see if anyone is having difficulties that I through my long ecperience of Alzheimers (10 yrs.) can in someway contribute help. I also am still obtaining new insights, consolatiions, and , knowledge from my friends here. I feel a kinshiip with the spouses here who have lived and are living in my daily world. Even when I am with my family and/or close friends I don't feel completely comfortable as they can not understand t he underlying sadness I live with always. I am thankful I am able to have a link with you all through my computer, otherwise I would feel completely isolated and alone.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    yep its addiction in its purest form!
    thank goodness there is one version of it that is finally good for the body/soul. it just plain boils down to the facts that there is so little known about the dayin/dayout struggles of caring for AD that it keeps us functioning and understanding how to cope each day. real people/real ideas that work/comparing notes/ without it i hate to think how many of us would be on the verge of the blackhole ourselves. divvi
    • CommentAuthorsandy D
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Would it not be great to be able to put the day to day trials in a book for families and on the web. That was one of my biggest frustrations because nothing out there explained it like this web site. I was so confused about the diagnosis and was second guessing myself until I found this and now know that what I see is not my imagination but AD rearing its ugly head. I am so addicted to this site and I just found it last week. It is a lifeline for me..
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    well, so much for me checking just 3 times a day...I've already checked about 4 times and done nothing else. Does anyone know where I can get an overdose of energy to get me started:>O
    No, but if you find an energy source would you please let me know...!
    • CommentAuthorLeeLyle
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    I, too am an addict. I leave this site open all the time. When i leave and comback to it, I just refresh and go from there. I use a laptop that I leave up on a table I pass often. I don't try to count. Thank you all for your input. I read it all, even tho some of the discussions don't relate to me. The frankness and heartfelt discussions give me strength..
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Jean21, I agree on the addiction part. This site talks to me so yes, I am here often.

    So about that sewing room/office - I just replaced my husband's old office with my sewing room office - now if I can only get time to sew...... Of course it also contains a good portion of my book collection (when I get it organized) and all the other stuff that a home office has.

    The only thing that saves me in some ways is that I am on a computer all day at work so really don't have too much interest in one when I get home.....
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Yes, I count myself among the many. Nice to be addicted to something good. This site has been a lifesaver in so many ways. I think I'm on a different time zone than a lot of you-all (Arizona), so I feel like many times I'm at the tail end of conversations...but that's okay. It 's so great to be able to converse with people who understand and to come here for information and support. I usually do a quick check on my lunch break (now) and then at nite after I get home, make dinner, wash dishes, make lunches for the next day...then I can check in a couple more times.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008 edited
    I didn't know I was addicted to this site until this thread came up. I do check it several times a day (sometimes at night when I can't sleep). Today, we had a guest very early in the a.m. and I really wanted him to leave so I could check this site. That's pretty bad isn't it. Thankfully, he wasn't a friend--just a salesman, but still....

    I read almost every comment--even if it doesn't apply. I try to absorb all of the information, hints, tips, etc. I really do appreciate everything. Like someone up above this said even close family and friends have no idea of the in and outs of everyday living with this. I'm so glad someone does.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Hi Mawzy, my NW neighbor...middle of the night when it is quiet is often the best time. I think G really dislikes this site (he couldn't find it on the computer, I'm sure) but I am here all the spare time reading past discussions as well as current ones. I would wager we are better informed than a huge portion of others with unsolved illnesses.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Kathi37--where 'bouts in the NW are you? Did you get caught in that squal that came through the Puget Sound area yesterday? The visibility was terrible. Our son was driving us home and I was glad neither one of us were behind the wheel. :)
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    I'm just outside of Portland...and yes the nasty thing hit us also...probably on it's way to your area.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Our daughter lives in Hillsboro. If you got it in PDX, She definitely got it. She's in that Cornelius Pass area. Really some weather there.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Mawzy, if you ever want to just email is in my profile. I am often awake around 3:00 AM..darn, but true.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2008
    Don't be surprised if you hear from me in the early a.m. :)