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    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2008
    Hubby just got up, complaining he hurts and it hurts to go. Checked him, appears a little inflamed externally. Urge to go, but nothing there and hurts--1 am. Now bloody urine. Calling Dr. in morning but how do I help now. Please--anybody up?
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2008
    We have not dealt with a UTI yet, but maybe calling dr. now (someone on call??) and they could call you in an anti-botic to a 24hr pharm?? LOTS of water is what I would suggest. Also, if he is really in alot of pain & blood in urine, you might want to go in to the ER?? Wish I knew more to tell you, Carosi.
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2008 edited
    When Lynn had blood in his urine, they told me to take him to the ER.... for what its worth, I was glad I did. Best of luck!
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2008

    Hope that you have gone to ER, since I see that you posted an hour before my post. It's awful for loved one to have a miserable night (consequently you have a miserable night). Blood and pain, and inability to go warrant a trip to ER. And I don't know his physical ability as in walking or not, but if it will be hard for you to transport I wouldn't hesitate to get the EMT's to take him in for you. Hope all is well
    • CommentAuthorcarewife
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    Natsmom nd New Realm gave you the best advice...go to the ER with DH. Another suggestion, in the future, you can find any amount of knowledge on the internet. I put in kidneys, UTI infection and I was given a llot of specific advice including finding a possible diagnosis for the symptoms. This doesn't take the place of professional help but will help you know the sereiousness of the complaint.
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    carosi, this is when you call 911. Yes, we all try to be independent and sufficient, but there are times, and this is one of them.

    In fact, since the first time I called 911, or for that matter the first time I drove myself to Emergency with a bleeding hand, I've become aware that those of us who do have doctors don't use emergency services as quickly as we ought to. It gets easier and easier to make that call once you have done it the first time. But you still keep wondering, is this something I ought to be doing... In my case the answer generally is yes. I've literally never gone to Emergency where a doctor thought I didn't belong there.
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    Carosi, just checking in to see how your husband is doing. I too hope you took him to the ER last night. Let us know how you made out ~Nikki
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    we suffer from cronic uti, with blood and inability to 'go' you must take them to ER asap. they will need a catheter to relieve the pressure and antibiotics as soon as possible. divvi
    hope all is well.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    I was right--a UTI. I've had them before so I just knew. Called Dr.'s Office and connected to after hours switchboard, who had the on call nurse call me back. A few questions--symptoms, how much blood in urine--not just pink, but not like his cut fingers 2 weeks ago--,is he on any blood thinners? He's on Plavix and a couple other meds say advise medical personenel before dental work or the like. She said the Plavix is reason enough. He has to go in. Explained the transport issue. She said to tell Ambulance he has to go and I have to go with him and they'll work it out. 2 of the LIFE guys lifted me into the passenger's seat. We were at the ER by about 2 am. At about 4:15, we were done, and our nurse offered to check transpo options home. AmbuCab from LIFE could take us home --no extra charge or $12 for a taxi. I just wasn't going to start calling family or friends at that hour. We waited about an hour, but LIFE AmbuCab brought us home. Got here just before 6.
    Our in-home-helper takes Ron with him to do the grocery shopping on Weds. and today he got the 2 new prescriptions filled while they were at the store.
    Ron's eaten and is napping now. I'm running on one broken hour right now, but will grab a nap soon. In the meantime, anyone have any idea where to look for the dog's nail clippers? I put them away so Ron wouldn't try to do it anymore---can't watch his shaky hand swoop in, grab and snip with no control how much he's snipping off. Now we need to use them and they're MIA. Story of my life. <lol>

    THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR INPUT. Didn't know Plavix was considered a blood thinner. Also, he could go, just that once empty, the irritated nerves kept saying he had to go, but there wasn't any more to get rid of. The Rx will fix this soon.
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    Very glad you were able to have him seen and that he is on his road to recovery. I wasn't going to say too much last night, as I knew you were upset already, didn't see the point of telling you all it could be. Plus I just can't keep track of everyone, and wasn't sure what stage Ron was in, and if treatment was an option. When Lynn had blood in his urnine years ago, he was treated for a UTI... but it wasn't enough and he ended up with a blood infection. Now that was scary! eeeeep Glad everything worked out, now try to get some much needed rest~Nikki
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    I'm glad you got to the emergency. And that you wrote back here about what happened. I've been worried all day.

    I'm glad that someone told you how to deal with the transport issue and that they also helped you. I know how hard that has to be for you. I never heard of an AmbuCab, but I'm really glad you mentioned it. The last time I landed in Emergency I didn't have clothes, or a car to come home with. We were lucky that I had a couple of neighbor's phone numbers, but the next time I'm putting my transport home in the hospital's lap.

    Most of all I'm glad both of you are home safe.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    I think I am right on this, but will stand corrected.

    Most rescue workers will tell you two things: if you are determined to go to the emergency room, let them take you!!

    AND: if they come because you've had a heart attack or stroke, no matter your condition before it, they are required to attempt resuscitation. I guess the only way out of that is if you wear a DNR bracelet or some such.

    Obviously this does not apply to something like a UTI, which doesn't require resuscitation!
    • CommentAuthorJayne
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    carosi: Isn't it amazing how this message board operates with everyone taking such a personal interest? Happy you got the UTI taken care of. Just a word from one that has been there with chronic UTI's......they can come back. My DH was treated (blood in urine), took the antibiotic as prescribed, about a week after last pill, another UTI. Same procedure only second time didn't go to ER, just Dr. Then third time same thing. Three UTI's in 30 days. My DH has problems with walking and during this 30 days I could not take care of him. He ended up in a rehab facility for 20 days. After the last UTI and after his return home, I got so scared about UTI's, I guess blood is not always present. NOW I USE AZO TEST STRIPS, over the counter from drug store. (I learned about them from this board - everyone thinks I'm just super smart, they don't know I get my answers to so many issues from this board). I test him once a week and have for the past 60 days. They cost $10.00 for 3 test strips, but it is well worth it. It really gives me peace of mind. I have learned that UTI's in the elderly and AD patients can cause a rapid decline almost overnight. Hope you get some much needed rest!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    Jayne, also from one who deals with uti on cronic basis. i am lookin gat one as i type. i am treating DH with another dose of meds today hoping to catch it early!you are dead on, the azo strips shouldnt be relied upon soley to diagnose but sure do help to get an good idea if they are present! esp with blood its asap to ER. i have found that if the uti comes back as we have had as well, that the antiobiotic culture is a necessity, as it has to be treated with SPECIFIC drugs to get rid of it. we had lots of times where DH was given in ER broad spectrum antibioticis in drips then released, only to have dr call back 3days later after cultures came back saying that potent drug wasnt going to kill the bacteria. true! had to switch to one particular antiobiotic specific for the culture.
    if this doesnt happen they will have the uti back in notime flat. you have to be on top of this or it gets ugly fast as you see, divvi
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2008
    Carosi - Just now getting back on here from last nite but have been thinking about you all day! So glad that you got your husb to ER & that he is on the way to recovery ~ I know what you mean about operating on almost no sleep -- i hope you were able to get a bit of rest today...Hang in there!! Debbie
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    carosi, you can get nail clippers from

    for $12.99 ... as well as any medicines or nutrient supplements your dog might need. I decided to try them when my local PetCo was hopelessly unable to keep things in stock (I mean, it took SIX MONTHS for them to get Petromalt hairball medicine in for my poor cat). Their costs are WAY low compared to stores, same exact stuff, and they ship right away.

    By way low: Petco was selling Cosequin, 50 pills for $21.99, 80 pills for $19.99. And when I buy two boxes, the shipping is free (I think they ship free for anything over $30). I haven't ever asked for expedited shipping, just the free shipping, and it's often here the next day, second day tops.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    oops, make that free shipping for any orders over $39.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    how bout one of the newer dog clippers that Files the nail without pain?? saw the commercial. called i am going to give these as added xmas gifts.looks great. divvi
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    Found our clippers -- in the aquariums' supply drawer. (Pet stuff together, but Ron doesn't go there). Glad to know of another suorce for things though, because some places are high and others aren't always reliable on availability.

    Also, thanks for tip on AZO strips. Dr. wants a "clear collction" sample done in 14 days---after meds are done for a few days, to be sure it's gone. But knowing this can be a repeatable problem, I will probably plan to use them if/when he gets a 2nd bout. From past experience(my own) you can get rid of them, but if you are prone to repeats, like he could be/become, I'll want to be on the head end of treating. Thanks again to everyone.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    divvi, that looks like it would be pretty darn good for a dog. Getting my cat to hold still for that might be another matter altogether. I don't think I've ever hurt my geriatric cat clipping her nails -- never had any bleeding, never a jerk or hiss or other sign of pain, and after she escapes, she's quite ready to talk to me again -- but she loathes having her paw held for any reason whatsoever. I foolishly tried an actual nail file for pets, once. Never again...

    There's supposed to be something similar for humans, for doing toenails, but can't find it right off the bat. I want to get something safe for doing my husband's toenails, they're just awful and I'm scared to death of clipping them since he's on a blood thinner.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2008
    carosi, those AZO strips make you feel more comfortable, but they are prone to false responses, so don't depend on them entirely.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    info on urinary tract infections.

    by the way, if your spouse is hard to get to drink fluids, i have found at biglots this week, they have the Crystal Light hydration drinks on sale 6pk/2dollars!! cant beat that.

    these are very sweet and tasty and are made with Splenda:) and come in various falvors, enriched with eletrolytes, sodium-potassium/vit b which all aide in hydrating the body. i got pink lemonade/lemon tea/orange flavors and DH thinks they are dessert and will drink them really well due to them being sweet but with only 10cal/bottle.

    they are a good choice for help keeping spouse out of UTI territory!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2010
    to the top TTT for mimi
    ttt for Mim