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    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Since my husband's driver's license has expired. What do I need to do to obtain a Photo ID for him?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    take his old license and him to the drivers license place. tell the person at the desk or call before and say he has AD and they may let you go right in asap. ours did, just walked thru to the next agent. they take finger prints/sign you are relinquishing drivers lice and take your pic. (it took 3 shots for us::)) they were as nice as could be! good luck, divvi
    took almost 3wks to get he ID though.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Oh! Why did it take so long? Why wasn't it just like getting your license & they give it to you that day?
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    ...On the day you apply for your license, don't they usually just give you paperwork that says you're going to get it? And then the "real thing" doesn't show up for a while? That's what happens here.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Do you think I could use the paperwork as a ID? I am sure if we purchase a new vehicle, they will want a valid driver's license or photo ID.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Kadee, you're not going to put your husband's name on the title, are you? You'd end up with all sorts of hassles about insurance, etc. If he's not on the title, then he doesn't need an ID, does he?
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    I don't know. I don't know how he would feel not having his name on the title. This is all so new, not the dementia & not even taking care of everything, but purchasing a new vehicle. I called my insurance agent a couple weeks ago to tell them he would no longer be driving & what should I do. He told me it wouldn't hurt anything to leave him on the policy. However, that was for the vehicle we have now, not something different.
    Kadee, we get our licenses and ids on the same with the digital photography there is no waiting.....
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    I talked with my husband, he has no problem (today at least) with having my name only on the title. Now, does anyone know if I will have a problem financing, I have no income of my own. My husband has his retirement & SSD benefits. I have always been a co-owner on all vehicles.
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008 edited
    In Pennsylvania they hand you the license about 10 minutes after they take your picture. They literally ask you if you like the picture or if you want a new one. Amazingly, they also take pretty good pictures.

    As for my husband's ID card, the document they used when we turned the card in was actually a request for an ID card because the licence was being turned in due to medical issues. We got the card about a month later using the same photo as his most recent license. When I looked at the picture I nearly gasped. There was that totally blank eyed look we all sometimes talk about. He rarely has that look, but the day they took that picture (in January I think) there it was. When they asked him if the picture was OK, he said yes. I was with him that day. He saw nothing wrong with it.
    If I talked to my husband about our names on a car, he would have a fit if his wasn't on it. I would just do it and not
    let him know, or else forget it. It would cause a rage.

    I am not in the finance business but my thought is no. Someone else needs to answer thiss.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    They take good pictures where you are now, Starling? Man, I was thinking of suing DMV for the last driver's license photo they took of me in CA. Heaven help the person who tries telling me it even vaguely resembles me!
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    My California license wasn't all that bad, but you got what they gave you. I was astonished the first time in Pennsylvania when they turned the screen around and said is that picture OK, and offerred to take another if I didn't like it. Maybe they take good pictures because you have a choice? <grin> They also warn you before they hit the button.

    And frankly, since the photos are digital, why not offer to take a second. I once watched them take 3 of one person. The first one was so bad she didn't even turn it around. SHE hated it and made him get back into the photo seat. It doesn't cost extra to get a good picture these days.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    when we went in TX here, they didnt give us the photo ID then, they gave us a temp paper no photo of payment and the info that will be on the ID . we had to wait to get it in the mail 3wks later. i had the same issues as i wanted to go get the disabled parking tag, and they wouldnt do it without his photo ID and current pic. some states are doing it differently from posts above.

    i am at a loss, how can an insurance company have a customer on a policy without a valid driving license ? its very strange hearing that but i would call the insurance CARRIER to be sure and not just the agent if they are saying that. as far as financing, if you are on the checking and savings i never had an issue with being the only one on title and insurance policy in my name only even though i dont have an income, they just checked my credit and that was it and as far as income i listed our household income down. divvi
    • CommentAuthorRaeAnn
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Last December I purched a new car, now I'm in CA. My husbands name was on the title due to the fact that we were using his income for qualifying for the loan. (He gets a retirement check as well as SDI). He does not and has not had a license for better than 8 months at that time. They used his Ca ID for identification, loan processing etc. He however, is not on my insurance policy and is prohibited to drive. This month I paid the car off, I'm waiting for the registration and then I'm headed to DMV to have his name removed as a owner, I'm preparing for the future.
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008
    Kadee - We too bought a new car back in March -- @ the Ford dealership, I put it in my name only, and we financed it thru the dealership to get a $5K rebate...their int. rate was way high, so we refinanced the vehicle after 1 payment...but when we "refinanced" it @ our credit union for a much lower interest rate, they said it had to be in his name too because I had no income...We too operate off of husb's retirement & SSDI...Our insurance man knows our situation and we still have my husb on that policy so we can get a better rate than just having me & our dtr on the policy...i'm 48...dtr is over 21 & only drives our car if necessary. So, to answer the ?, if they ask about where the income comes from, then you'd have to disclose it, but otherwise, not an issue...we'd worked with this same dealership about 3 years ago, so perhaps they had our old info in their system, but at no time did they ask me "who gets the income in their name"? Hope this helps.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2008
    We turned in my husband's driver's license today. Also, got the photo ID card. Since his license had expired in December, there was no charge. He was issued the card today, no waiting. He hasn't driven since last June, however, I do feel sad that he will never be able to drive again at age 57. It just doesn't seem right.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008
    No, Kadee, it doesn't seem right. How sad.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
    sad but good to get it over with Kadee, its just too young for any of it. divvi
    My DH's license expires in October, and I was going to take him in to get a State ID. Then I started thinking about it--he has a valid passport that we can use for travel. He doesn't use credit cards anynore, nor do I let him carry ID (he has the Safe Return necklace). He's never out on his own--are there any situations that people have run across where he would need a photo ID (where a passport would not do)? If we were to go to a new doctor or a new bank, I could just take the passport. Then again, the passport has an expiration date, does the State ID have one? I'd rather not go to the Motor Vehicle Admin. if it can be avoided--driving is still a touchy area sometimes. I'm not sure, but I do think you have to apply for it in person.
    • CommentAuthorThenneck *
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    Marilyn - a passport just doesn't seem like the kind of thing you want to have to carry around with you all the time, nor do you have to want to "remember" to bring it for those times you need an I.D.
    Losing a photo I.D. is not that "tramatic" compared to the length of time you may have to wait for a new passport.
    In addition, you can get multiple photo I.D.'s from your state so you are immediately covered in case of loss.
    My son & I both keep a photo I.D. for my wife with us at all times, plus a spare at home. Cost......... $ 24.
    I made a photo copy of my husband's drivers' license and car registration. When he took off for parts unknown those copies were very helpful to the police. How many of us know our car registration numbers? 30 hours later when my husband was found you better believe his keys disappeared.
    You have to have a photo ID to get a CD. I don't know if a passport would work. That was the only thing I used it for with my Mom.
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    When my DH's DL expired I got him a state photo ID. It expires in three years in Washington State.
    I think it is the Patriot Act that has created the requirements for photo ID's being used more. I guess it is more practical to get the photo ID vs remembering to take the passport when needed. I don't relish going to the motor vehicle admin., however, he was fine when we went there a few yrs ago to add my name to our vehicle. I told him we'd get a discount on our auto insurance and he was fine with that--maybe I'll tell him the same thing again. Perhaps I'll give them a call in advance, as someone suggested, to try to smooth the way.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2009
    marilyn, do call in advance and get an appt time. they have a person that can help 'disabled' persons breeze thru it as soon as you arrive and not have to wait the lines. i had DH in his transport chair and we went right thru the lines to the next available agent. it took less than 15min-but due to the fact the agent had to retake DH pic 3 times. haha. he would look at his shoes, or be pointing off somewhere or picking his nose in the pics! ha. the agent was super and i was elated to get thru so easily. they know how to make it work, only sad part is they have to 'sign' to the state they are giving up driving priveledges, that was sad for me.. divvi
    Just had an idea--I think I'll get the form for a disabled parking tag, have his Dr. sign it and tell him we're going to the MVA to get the handicapped tag for when we take my DAD to the doctor--he'll be fine with that. Then I'll have the tag for the future, and while we're there, we can get the photo ID. Kill 2 birds with one stone.
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2009
    Sounds like a good idea to me.