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    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    I have noticed for a while now my DH can tell what people are thinking. At least he can if you believe what he says. When he goes for his walks and sees something I get his version of what he saw. One thing this morning.... he saw some dog poop in the grass and he has decided it is from a dog belonging to a woman who had 2 dogs but now just has one. I know there are people who don't pick up after there dogs but most do and how DH can tell one dog poop from another is beyond me! I do know it is getting on my nerves.

    Okay I've vented I am going to make a cake. From a mix of course:>O
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    This thread ought to be called the things that make you crazy. They tend to be really weird stuff.

    For example: My husband keeps putting loose things into the garbage can in the garage. I have not been able to figure out why he won't put them into the smaller trash container in the garage so it will all be in a single bag. But he actually takes things out of the trash container and puts them inot the garbage can so we can save the plastic bag. Since I've got 300 tall kitchen bags in the house right now, I see no reason to be so frugal.
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Jean, Lynn did this as well... with everything it seemed. He would just tell a tale, like it was fact! It dawned on me one day why he might do it. He no longer knew so many things, he was getting more and more confused... I think he did this so he could be "right" about something, anything. I think it must have made him feel safe in a world that had gone mad on him. Just my thoughts on it. Best of luck! Nikki
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    I'm so glad someone brought this up at this time. For the last week-10 days DH has been asking me about 'that guy' who's coming here to the house. He told me he didn't want 'that guy' on the place and to get rid of him. I have no idea what he's talking about. I asked him what the guy wanted and he said he was going go do some work in our hall. Well, no work needs to be done on the hall. We did have our roof replaced 2 months ago. I thought he might be thinking of that. We are having some new cabinets installed the end of September. Neither of these are what he's talking about. He was talking to our daughter on the phone yesterday and he told her I was trying to persecute him by bringing this guy in. He told her he was very concerned and worried and he thinks this guy is going to try and cheat me and we will loose all our money.

    What is this? Is it helucinataions (sp) or what? I'm getting a little apprehensive. We are having a fellow coming in a week from now to talk to us about the Neptune Society (cremation). I told him my DH has AD and might not be receptive to him. Hope that is ok. Man, my nerves are getting tight.

    Someone on another thread said to get some quiet time and take some cleansing breaths. So, I'm going to do that now.

    Have a great weekend.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Mawzy, on "the other site" they were just talking about cremation services. A couple of them warned us to steer clear of Neptune, since they "continue to have huge legal problems". They lose bodies, "find them years later in a storage facility with a bazillion other containers", that sort of thing.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    What other site? I need to know about this ASAP as their representative is coming here on the 25th. Thanks for the info.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Nikki...I've noticed for a while that my husband had to be right about a lot of things. I don't know how he could have been when I was right.LOL Most times he is pretty normal and we can have a conversation and joke together but I have to learn what I can tell him...because quite often he doesn't remember if the subject comes up again. Sometimes I let things go that maybe I shouldn't but I could drive myself crazy thinking "Is he getting worse?" This AD is one big guessing game for caregivers and I, just like everyone here, would just as soon not have to contend with it. Like I have so often said, DH isn't that far gone yet and I don't know how I will handle it when he gets worse. God bless us all.
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Mawzy, we went thru the National Cremation Society in case you wanted to do any comparison shopping.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008 edited
    Mawzy, sorry ... the Alzheimer's Association discussion forum. They didn't really say much more than that. I do remember a HUGE scandal a few years ago about finding bodies everywhere, don't remember if it involved Neptune or another cremation organization.

    Oh -- the quote about losing the body, that happened to a neighbor of the woman who posted it.

    Neptune, by the way, operates under a bunch of different names.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Thanks! I'll check the Nat'l Crematorium Society. Let you know what I find out.

    I believe what you are referring to occurred in Georgia several years ago where a crematorium had contracted with several funeral homes throughout the southeast to cremate the bodies. However, they failed to follow through and had not preformed a cremation for years, just stored bodies everywhere.

    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Well, I hardly know how to respond to that. It sure isn't anythng I want to think about too long. But thanks for your input.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2008
    Thanks, Charlie!

    That led me to:

    Which says, in part: "This case will continue to set a precedent within the funeral and death-care industry with regard to regulation, negligence, and responsibility. In three of the largest legal cases to date, I found that the cases either involved a cremation society, crematorium, or funeral establishment. The following represent only a few. Ref: Sconce-Lamb Cremation, The Neptune Society, and Noerdinger V. City of Santa Clara. All cases involved cremation, disposal of cremains, multiple cremations, wrongful cremation or the lack of cremation. In all cases, judgment was awarded to families of loved ones for emotional distress in which their family members remains were subjected to illegal or disrespectful cremations or lack thereof. Monetary judgments were as much as $33 million dollars in some of these class action lawsuits.


    which says, "In re Neptune Society Cases, in which our lawyers served as lead counsel in a case involving claims for emotional distress, personal injury, breach of contract, and consumer fraud claims arising from concealed illegal dumping of commingled human remains by the pilot who had been hired to scatter ashes separately over the Sierra Mountains. The case resulted in a $33 million settlement for class members."