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    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2017
    Jan, I'm glad he wasn't hurt but we all know that the alarm, the later relief, and finally the nagging concern you feel is what builds up the stress of being a caregiver.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2017
    Until Wednesday, it was cool here, definitely sweater, and sometimes jacket, weather with temps in the 30s and 40s at night. But yesterday and today it was in the 90s and now a thunderstorm is rumbling through, with a cold front behind it. Both my husband and I grew up with the story of Rip van Winkle and with the saying that thunder is the sound of the ghosts of Hendrick Hudson and his crew bowling in the clouds. I am living in the past.
    As a child I was captivated by that story - it was both awesome and terrifying.
    Why is that living in the past? Good old Rip Van Winkle. The heat has been challenging for the last two days--should be cooler today. Bandit started digging a hole near one of the buildings this morning while we were out early--just dig, dig, dig, dig--I thought he was after a chipmunk. I saw something move, and pulled him back and took a look--it was a bird in the hole! One of those little brown house finches--a young one. A parent was over on the sidewalk giving us Hail Columbia. I am mystified--do they build nests underground? Very strange.

    And nothing whatsoever to do with Alzheimers. : D
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2017
    Speaking of captivating, I have a few things that cross my mind and draw me back to them. Christian the lion is one of those. This is the short version. Many tend not to want to know too much about animals. Every living thing experiences their life and animals, unsurprisingly are the easiest for us to understand. Just ask Daniel. Can a lion remember you when you helped it? Even birds and fish do.

    Here's a short clip of a bear simply helping a crow out because he was in trouble. Twenty million people have watched this short clip from the Budapest Zoo almost three years ago. Stuff like this happens in the wild too which our expanding video capabilities are starting to show more examples of.

    (Cassie, the crow fell in the pond and couldn't get out. It floundered around where the bear took a shot at lifting him out but the crow was terrified. When the crow floundered into the corner, the bear leaned down and held him, put his wing in his jaw, hauled him out, and immediately went back to eating the apples, oranges, and carrots laying around. The crow was obviously exhausted and finally rolled over and stood up not believing his luck.)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2017
    ;-( my power/charging cord for my computer died. The battery is no good so d i didn't take long to die. I found one on ebay t h at will be here next week. Office depot had one but wanted $80 for it. Not happening when I can get one online for less than $20 including shipping! Will have to make due with kindle for now!
    Charlotte, my sympathies, I had to replace both the computer charge cord and the Apple iphone cords within a week of each other.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2017
    Keep in mind whey paying smart phone or computer chargers to buy quality products. Many of the cheap products are, um, cheap and can burn down your house or provide an unhealthy electric shock. I recommend buying the Apple units only from Apple since there are so many counterfeit Apple chargers on the market and Amazon does a poor job of policing it's 3rd party venders. Always go with a name brand if you don't buy the same unit that originally came with the computer or smart phone.
    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2017
    The last month or so has not been fun--dealing with DH's cancer uncertainty, then his fall, and then Friday I took him to the eye doctor, and she said that maybe he could wait on taking care of his cataracts, or she could schedule the surgery now. I didn't know that he had cataracts, let alone that they were to that point. (Nothing was said at his last eye exam.) His eyes are no longer correctible to 20/20, because of eye deterioration and the cataracts, but she is trying prisms in his new glasses to help his eyes track better, so hopefully he won't see double any more. (I do not believe that DH would be able to remember the restrictions that are in place after cataract surgery, so it's already past the point where that would be possible.)

    We came home from the eye doctor, and in the mail was a "save the date" card, with a link to a web page telling how we could contribute to the happy couple's dream tropical honeymoon. This was from a relative who knows about DH's condition, but is also someone we haven't heard from in a decade. (They spelled our last name wrong on the envelope.) I thought being asked to contribute for a tropical honeymoon was just the perfect ending to a not-so-perfect day.
    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2017
    On a different note--

    Our neighbor, who lives on the second floor in this apartment complex, had a goose make a nest and lay her eggs in a flowerpot on her balcony. Usually the geese around here will attack you if you just look funny at them when they are on the nest, but this goose was pretty calm about the neighbor checking out what was going on. Finally the eggs hatched, and some time later, the lady heard a peck, peck, peck on the door to the balcony. Evidently the mama goose couldn't figure out how to get the babies downstairs! So the neighbor carefully picked each baby up in a little plastic bag (thinking all the time that the mama was going to attack her any minute), went back inside and down the stairs, and then went out and put all the babies down on the grass. Then the mama took over again.

    We also had a bird experience this spring. A robin, evidently trying to find a place to nest, came in the dryer vent--and all the way into our dryer. We woke up to what sounded like popcorn being popped in our dryer. The maintenance people had to come disconnect the dryer, and then chase the robin through our apartment and out the front door. I was barricaded in the bedroom at the time, but I could hear all the excitement and accompanying language quite well.

    On a ledge under the balcony of the apartment above us, every spring birds come and add a layer to the bird's nest that is there and raise another family. The nest is so tall now I don't know how they get in and out between the top of the nest and the bottom of the balcony. It's like a bird skyscraper. DH said that he thinks the current resident is a dove. Whoever picked this place really had good bird sense, because we've had all kinds of storms in the last few years, and that nest has never budged. All the birds have been very calm about us checking on the nest, which is just a few feet from our front door.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2017
    Jan, how interesting and exciting the birds are. A nice break from the reality we live in.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2017
    Jan, you must be a raving optimist (not a lunatic!) to be able to write those lovely wildlife stories, after the shocking day you have had.
    Some of the medical people really have no idea about dementia and its' limitations. I am surprised that your DH could even manage the eye testing.
    And as for that awful relative, what goes around comes around so they say.......
    I loved the bird stories. : D
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2017
    Jan, Are you saying that this couple is actually asking for money? I have never heard of anything like that. Unbelievable!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2017
    JanK, I don't have any bird stories, except that I love watching the finches feeding at my feeder. The serenity of nature.

    As for the invitation you received...I simply do not understand this idea of asking everyone else to fund their wedding trip! To me that is just pure crust. Whatever happened to just being happy with some shower gifts (even some of those are way too much to expect other people to pay for!) & starting out from square one & building their own home/life themselves? And to not even know how to spell your name...many years ago, I received an invitation to a shower for some extremely distant relative (apparently) of my husband. They knew how to spell our name, but no one, not even Dan's sisters, had EVER heard of this person! Just went through the phone book, I guess. Needless to say, no RSVP was made & invitation went into the trash.

    Well, on with my day...going to see Dan now.
    • CommentAuthorbhv*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2017
    I've been in such a blue funk for more than a.month. Today I put on my golf duds.and went to hit a bucket of balls. Haven't been to the course in over a year since.DH.refused to go. Amazed at how well I hit the ball. He came with, but only hit a.few.drivers. I think I am going to try playing later this week. Perhaps he will ride along. It feels.good to do something I want to do. Thankfully he.just.watched.and didn't rage and complain!

    Since April.15th I have been spending so much time caring for him and also nursing our Doberman. She fell down one day. Vet found she had liver infection and pancreatitis. Antibiotics quickly improved that and she could walk again for a week or so. As soon as we.finished.the antibiotics she fell.down again. Couldnt get up without help,but could walk. Pet ER said it was arthritis. But follow the vet showed high fever again and high white blood count. XRay -- no arthritis. I think it might have been cancer or sepsis. Antibiotics helped for awhile. She died in my arms the night before I was going to take her to vet for follow up. I am missing or Xena Warrior Princess at every turn. But I hadn't realized how much of my day was taken up caring for her.

    I really thought DH would ask for her every 30 seconds for a year or so, but he has only mentioned her twice. Can't figure this out. But I am ever so grateful. I want to try taking some trips so don't plan on getting another dog for quite some time. It is difficult to get used to not having a Dobie by my side though.
    • CommentAuthorLindylou*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2017
    JanK, have a question for you. Do the finches at your feeder chase away the sparrows? That was happening at our place this morning. We have a little feeder that sits inside our window, so it is almost like having birds in the house. And a big advantage is that we can drop seeds through a hole in the winter time and don't have to hike across the snow to fill it.

    bhv, so sorry to hear about your dog. That is so sad.
    BHV, I've been thinking a lot about the passing of Xena. I saw a plaque the other day--can't quote it exactly--but is was something like "From our first day together I knew we'd have to part. Even though you're gone, your paw prints are on my heart." Dogs are members of the family, and to lose a good dog is to lose such a good friend, and a part of ourselves. Sending sympathy, thoughts, and prayers for you and your furry friend who just went over the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs. (((((( ))))))
    • CommentAuthorbhv*
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2017
    Thanks Elizabeth. I just love your hugs. Her paw prints are definitely on my heart.
    Lindy Lou our finches and sparrows coexist quite well, but it is out in the yard with lots of room. I used to hate the finches cause they only wanted one kind of seed and threw everything else out of the feeder onto the ground. It took me years to get DH to get that bird feeder OFF MY PATIO!
    I just found out we have another set of baby wrens in a house near the garage! Cool. We are in CA. Had lots of rain this winter. All kinds of critters out and about. Battling squirrels, rabbits, rats and gophers. But the California Quail are back. We used to have about 150 birds stopping by twice a day and roosting in our trees at night. We had none for several years. This year we have about 6 pairs coming regularly. And one male who seems to have lost his wife and is so sad and alone. Should see babies soon. The pairs seem to chase the lone male away. Makes me sad because they all seem to like being together in a crowd helping each other care for little ones.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2017
    The finches and chickadees will purposely knock fee out of the feeder to the others on the ground which includes those kind, doves and quail. Fun to watch how they work as a team.
    I still come here every day and read every word and relate
    to so many of the stories, but I haven't contributed anything
    for a long time because I really have nothing of value to offer,
    But I think I'll give it a try just so you guys will know that I'm
    still kicking.

    I've been living in a small apartment in an old folks community
    for a year and a half now and I think it's the best place for me.
    Everything imaginable is provided including many social activities.
    There's something going on all the time to keep us oldies occupied.

    I've noticed that a lot of us here are single and grieving over
    our lost life's companion and there are some who are going through
    the same Alzspouse trip that we talk about here and this place
    provides excellent care for the afflicted spouse.

    They have support groups that meet once a week for both the
    caregivers and the grievers. I thought since I've been through
    all that, I would attend these groups and offer my help so I gave it
    a try but It didn't work out very well.

    Everything around here is run by young university graduates
    with degrees in geriatrics and I got the impression that they really
    didn't want me in these groups so I gave it up. However I was
    able to make friends with some of the caregivers and grievers
    and we can share stories on our own.

    I still spend most of my time playing with the computer and my
    little website but I have a lot of fun with other group activities.
    It seems like most everyone here is a piano player or a singer or
    whatever, and they're dying to perform before an audience. And it's
    fun to watch them.

    I hope all you regulars here keep it up. I love to read your stories
    although sometimes they bring tears to my eyes..........
    Unbelievable if it is really true that the young college grads didn't value your input. Boy, do they have a lot to learn. And they're supposed to be running things???
    • CommentAuthorbhv*
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2017
    Hi GeorgieBoy. Glad to hear you are enjoying that place. I feel like I know you well since your posts come up when I search for things. Know that your posts here are continuing to help us newbies.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2017
    Took the big step today and went to the pool. Unlike last summer when I couldn't swim because my shoulder was partially frozen, I can now. I am so out of shape didn't take long to be exhausted and for my shoulders to start hurting, but I pushed on. Unfortunately the hot tub was not hot so couldn't relax in it so was relegated to long hot shower. Will be interesting to see how stiff and/or sore I will be as the day wears on.

    Was 95 yesterday, 75 today but by this time next week we will be near 100. Summer is arriving!!
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2017
    Good for you, Charlotte! I would like to start swimming again. I am really out of shape, too. I joined a pool but haven't been yet. Maybe your example will inspire (or shame) me into going. Bhv, once, early in my marriage, I got very depressed by something that had happened. My husband could not get me out of it so he told me to get in the car and took me to a driving range, where he insisted that I hit bucketss of balls. I had played golf a few times and he had never played but he knew that physical activity would make me snap out of my mood. And it did.

    It's been a cold spring here. Today it was I the 50s and it rained cats and dogs. It was what my family always called "raw." I got thoroughly chilled and my knees ached.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2017
    I am fortunate that my office building offers free Palates lessons twice a week. It has been two years since I started and I have seen slow but steady progress. While I don't feel very flexible my stomach and back muscles are much stronger. But they have room for much improvement.

    They recently started offering free Yoga twice a week but I only attended the first class. The instructor is not laid back like the the Palates instructor and I haven't been able to take off the time at lunch hour for Yoga.

    I started a carb free (with some cheating) diet a few weeks ago, at the same time some co-worker started the same. A little weight lass, I'm just trying to be a bit buff from my 40th high school reunion. Some people have lost over 5 pounds so far.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2017
    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of us in the USA!

    Just have to mention this....I know a few of you have watched the thing about the Eagles & eaglets (I think that's what they are!). I never kept track of it, but I know it's been all over the internet...not now, of course, but "in season". I was on a tour of our area with a couple of cousins of mine the other day (one was visiting from out of town) & just found out that the eagle's nest is only about 10-12 miles from me! I had no idea. It's quite visible from the ground, it's enormous! I think next year I will need to pay more attention. I understand that they come back every year.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2017
    It is small compared to what it will be in the future. They add to the nest every year. The one that fell apart last year was about 10 years old I think. Last winter there was a picture of an eagles nest that a ranger built for demonstrations. It was big enough for him to curl up in - about 5 feet across.

    Mim, you can have some of our heat. It was in the 80s outside today, heading towards 100 by Monday I think. I looked up at the thermometer over the drivers seat and it said 100. I turned the a/c on, then an hour later hb was going to put his long pants and sweatshirt on. I turned off the front a/c and stayed in the bedroom with that a/c on while he watched the front tv.
    Mim, the eagles that some of us watch are in Florida. Where is the nest you are speaking of in the Heartland?

    We are still cool with some rain here in the Empire state of NY--the forecast for today calls for temps in the 60s possibly getting up to 70. I am in jeans, socks, a three-quarter length sleeve shirt.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2017
    Charlotte, I will take a little of your heat...just a little, though, enough to make it comfortable.

    Elizabeth, this eagle's nest is in Columbiana, straight down St. Rt. 7 & then turn left on ???? (I forgot the name!). Cuz said that's the one that people have been watching, but of course she might have been wrong. Didn't know about the one in Florida.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2017

    This is an eagle cam list. You should be able to find it if it is one of the popular ones. There are so many now around the country. There are even ones for owls and hawks.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2017
    Thanks Charlotte, I'll check it out.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Yesterday we finally put the canopy up.What a job. Because of the plants already on the patio had to open it up on the grass. Couldn't get hb to understand how to maneuver it under the tree so carried it around the MH, over the car and onto the patio. That must have been comical to watch - trying to get it over the car. I had it as high as I could get it which wasn't high enough to get over the car antennae on the roof. What a job to get him to understand he had to raise higher so we could. Finally did, got it placed then went to tie it down so the wind wouldn't blow it away. I use concrete blocks with ropes. He could not understand or remember how to tie a noose knot so it can be tightened and loosened without untying. This morning I have gone out and raised it up (lower it down at night to minimize chance of a gust damaging it), tied all the ropes correctly, emptied the holding tanks, took the dog for her walk, ate my first ripe strawberry, and now half watching TV and here at the computer. It is 11 and he is just getting up. Fine with me - he can stay in bed as long as he wants - unless of course I want to do something!

    Sun is shinning, forecast is 94 but yesterday was forecast 88 and hit 90 - already 83. A/C is going since someone moved in next door for the weekend who sit outside smoking so can't open the windows. They have a diesel pickup and back it in which means when they let it sit and 'warm up' the fumes blow into the MH. They pull out just as they get to where it bothers me so I can't go 'yell' at them. My desire for the next long term person going in is: non-smoker, doesn't use profanity, no diesel pickup. Time will tell.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Charlotte, thanks for that link. I watched the eagles in Tennessee for a couple of hours. By looking through that list it looks like those eggs take over a month to incubate and hatch. I haven't followed up on any reading about that but I have thought about those two eagles a few times. It was strange how used to swaying in the breeze at the top of that tree I became. Must be like getting used to being on a boat.

    Maybe you can get a t-shirt made. On the front it says "No smoking. No profanity. No diesel pickups. This means you." On the back it says "Have a nice day." Use red and white.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2017
    Charlotte, I used to have a neighbor who would start up his car in the early morning, around 5:30, in winter, and then go back into his house while the car was still running. This would go on for about 15 minutes. His driveway was not too far from one of my bedroom windows and I could smell the exhaust from his car. I was glad when he moved. We now have neighbors with young men who like to rev their car engines and one has a motorcycle. I don't say anything because they're great kids and wonderful neighbors otherwise.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2017 edited
    Yesterday went to the store. Wasn't home more than five minutes when I heard a noise that sounded like a diesel MH letting air out of its brakes. Turned out it was my rear driver side tire blowing. I looked and they were put on in 6/09, had 56,000 miles on them. The front two tires I replaced 1 1/2 years ago - was suppose to replace the back last winter but other things called for the money. Thankfully the guy next door changed it for me. The spare (one of those tiny tires) was low so had to find someone with an air compressor to blow it up. I could never have gotten the lug nuts off. Once we found the lug wrench, which hb had put in one of the MH bays (why I have no idea cause it doesn't fit the MH lug nuts), he had to stand and bounce to break them loose. Got up early this morning to head down to Les Schwab. Happy it took less than an hour to get the two rear tires replaced. I work hb up, said if he wanted to go he had to get up. After we got back home, he has been really confused. He is now sleeping.

    Seems just as soon as I think I will have financial breathing room, something comes up to run up the debt again!

    Me, think I will get my bathing suit and go to the pool before it gets too hot.

    11:49 am - made it to the pool. Was talking to a lady while exercising so don't know if I over did it or not. Will know as the day wears on!
    • CommentAuthorLindylou*
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2017
    A life time motto for me, Charlotte, as a single parent who raised a son alone, is "Life is a conspiracy to separate us from our money". I empathize.
    Hey Wolf ...... A while ago you posted a link to a little video
    that I enjoyed so much that I spent a little of my not so valuable
    time fixing it up a little. You certainly have a talent for finding
    great stuff on the internet. Please continue doing it....

    This is my version .....
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2017
    Hi George, I already turned off my desktop so I'm not able to open your link. (I'm typing this on a tablet & don't know how to copy & paste on it.) So I'll look at it in the morning.

    The weather here is bizarre. Today it was cold in the morning, hot and one day, humid in the afternoon, and thunderstorms with hail at night. I have not gone out to see if my newly planted tomatoes survived being bombarded with ice cubes.

    This has been a cold Spring. It looks like there will be a good harvest of orchard fruits. My two apple trees flowered heavily and are covered with tiny apples. The same for the two crabapple trees, which will have hundreds of berries for the birds.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2017
    George, I'm going to answer on the old man thread for no adequately explained reason.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2017
    Checked out the YouTube video, George....I love it!

    Myrtle, it's been an unpredictable spring here in northeast Ohio, but the strawberries are to die for! This is a wonderful area for growing, all the way through, ripe, sweet. Oh my, so short lived though.