We want to understand your experience as a caregiver and advocate— how you cope, both practically and emotionally. Whether the person you care for is in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or Lewy Body Dementia, or has been living with it for years, we are interested in your views. If possible, we would also like to interview the person you are caring for, although this is not necessary to be considered.
If you meet certain criteria, we would arrange a 30 minute phone interview at a time convenient for you. We are offering a $50 payment or donation to the organization of your choice in exchange for your time. If you are willing to be interviewed, please reply to interview@alzinterviews.com by the end of day Sunday October 2, 2016. Please also indicate whether the person being cared for would be available to speak with as well. Thank you!
I am looking into this, and will let you know if it is legitimate. We have had surveys like this in the past that have been, and have followed through on payment.
I have tried every variation of that address on the internet and got nothing. That is an email address. It may be legit but I won't be surprised that to get that $50 you have to give them your bank account number. That was put up 16 hours ago and within two days latest this person would be back to help explain if it is legitimate. I refuse to use that email address to investigate further and I advise caution.
Would a reputable organization send out an email like that? No name, no explanation of what the info is for, would they not have contacted administration of our site to ask permission first?
Rona is right in questioning why the mystery commenter did not get your permission first. In the "Message Board Guidelines" section, you state:
"SOLICITATION AND ADVERTISING Any requests for advertising or soliciting for your special project or website go through administration first. E-mail joan@thealzheimerspouse.com if you wish to advertise on the website or would like an Alzheimer's related project mentioned. Unapproved ad or solicitations for other websites on the message boards will be deleted."
May I suggest that this thread be deleted, as stated in the "Message Board Guidelines"?