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    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2016
    You will feel better now that you know it has been "exterminated" Myrtle!
    Not knowing where it could be is much worse than a corpse.
    Well done, puss cat.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2016 edited
    Wolf, Lucy is her name. She is a redhead. My 2 previous cats (both deceased now) were Felix and Oscar.
    myrtle, not to add to your fear, but do you have any idea how the chipmunk got into your house? They are clever, gnawing, persistent rodents. I (hesitate to) suggest that you might look for the hole before it becomes a chipmunk portal.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2016
    I've had squirrels enter via the chimney. I think I had a loose-mesh screen put over the chimney. Can't remember — it was years ago.
    • CommentAuthorRona
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2016
    So we have a cabin that we love a number of years ago, in the original cabin which really started as a fishman's squatters cabin the Bedroom was tiny enough room for the bed and a chair. Lisa had a big maincoon cat and when we arrived we use to put her bed under the chair, she was quite the mouser. Anyways one day arrive and I go to put the bed under the chair and there is this gray feary ball looks like a dead mouse. I immediately get Lisa and tell her last time we were here the cat must have got a mouse and killed it then left it under the chair. Naturally neither of us wanted to pick it up,so I got something to pick it up with. As it rolled over there was this reddy orange spot and we thought oh no he must have bitten the head off. Then I noticed there was a sticker stuck to the mouse? On further inspection it was actually a peach that must have fallen out of the grocery bag last time we were there and rotted while we were away. What a man scared by a peach!
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2016 edited
    Oh, Rona, that is so funny! I can definitely identify with you.

    Mary, I have been mulling over that very question. One possibility is that it walked in the door on Sunday morning. Two friends came over to help me divide some perennials and take away some for their own gardens and we were in and out of the house all morning. I had to meet some other friends for lunch at 1:00 so my gardening friends locked up. The door from the garage to the back hallway sometimes blows open if not latched. Both fireplaces have stove inserts in them so the only other way would be through the cellar (maybe a crack in the foundation). Will investigate and think more about this.