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    The murderer in Orlando is from my area. He worked as a security guard in Joan's community.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2016 edited
    bluedaze*, I recognized the man's address when it was reported on the news and wondered. It must be sobering to know that such a dangerous person was so close to you.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2016
    They NEVER give out the address of the house they are investigating, so first, I was shocked that they said the entire address. Then I was doubly shocked when I realized it was down the street from me. Next I hear that the shooter worked as a security guard ( A SECURITY GUARD???????? ) in my gated community. I live in the condo/villas/townhouses section of PGA Village. We have out own gate and security guard, different from the gate and security guard in the single family home section. That's the section where he worked. I would not have seen him anyway, because my window sticker allows me to go through the "resident" gate - I don't need to stop at the side where the security guard is. Still, it's pretty scary - we are surrounded by crazies and we don't even know it.

    Yikes, that is so creepy. I agree we are surrounded by crazies. When my daughter found out the route that the pre-schoolers walk when they are taken on their field trip to get ice cream, she checked it out, and found that they walk right past a house that is used for re-introducing pedophiles into the community. In her job with federal probation, she was able to get a little more information than the general public would know, and she advised the pre-school to either not take their eyes off the kids, or to change the route. Apparently there were some super-dangerous pervs released to that half-way house...and the general public would never know.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2016
    Good heavens, Joan! I missed the evening news tonight so I just went online and saw that Reuters is reporting that a resident in your community was on chatting terms with the Orlando shooter and saw him the morning before the incident. A little too close to home . . .