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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2016
    DH is again having trouble bending. If he tries to tie his shoes he will get totally out of breath and sit back and try to breath. This happened two years ago last month and they found one 90% block and partial blocks in the others. A stent was put in the one but they didn't think the others were blocked enough.
    A PSW saw this and they have tried to get him to let them do his shoes but no way as that would be loosing his independence.
    I don't know what to do this time. Stent or no stent??
    Jazzy, you probably already know what your answer is to this question. Others may have opinions, but only you know the entire situation.
    Some people make up pro and con lists, some take a long walk in the park and other people pray. If Kevan is still emancipated (able to hire a taxi), then whose decision is it? Yours or his? Have you had a discussion with the children about this eventuality? Where do they stand? Have the tests been repeated to determine if stents are indicated or is this an assumption?
    How about slip-on shoes, velcro or even slippers to eliminate the tying issue?
    Jazzy, you probably already know what your answer is to this question. Others may have opinions, but only you know the entire situation.
    Some people make up pro and con lists, some take a long walk in the park and other people pray. If Kevan is still emancipated (able to hire a taxi), then whose decision is it? Yours or his? Have you had a discussion with the children about this eventuality? Where do they stand? Have the tests been repeated to determine if stents are indicated or is this an assumption?
    How about slip-on shoes, velcro or even slippers to eliminate the tying issue?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2016
    I agree about first finding out if stents will be the answer now. Also, would slip on shoes work and would Kevan accept them? I am sure you are maybe his son (I think that is the one who can often get through to him) can convince him it would be better.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2016
    He sees the Doctor tomorrow, then we will be able to make what ever decisions are necessary. I will leave the decision to him until he can't decide for himself anymore.

    This disease is so strange. Today he told me how he can do math and write beautiful letters as long as he does them on the computer, but if he tries to verbalized them he can't. He tells me he is getting confused now, about what I have no idea?

    Shoes? O boy that is a real bone of contention. X military? Shoes must tie with laces, fit perfectly. No Velcro, no straps. No slip ons. No, no, not for him.

    He is advancing and more settled into the LTC. I guess he feels safe there now. I just take him out for coffee once or twice a week for about an hour and a half no more long outings. He prefers coffee outing and phone calls.

    Thanks for your comments