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Vanilla 1.1.2 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    Today was my third granddaughters first birthday and we were having cake and ice cream at my daughter, son in law, 3 granddaughters, niece, step grandson, sister in law and my mom were all there...between all of our ages, we ran the gamut from 1 to 76...well we had finished cake and presents and the kids having had healthy doses of sugar, were bouncing around like the balls in a pinball machine and the middle granddaughter was running around with one of the helium balloons...all of a sudden my son in law says lets open one of the helium balloons and all have a puff...well my grandson went first and must not have got enough helium so the result was underwhelming...then it was my turn and i made sure I got a decent puff...well let me tell you when I uttered my first word, the room just literally exploded in laughter,then of course everyone had to try, even my 76 year old mom...I haven't laughed so hard in years...I was just about crying and then I thought this could be a stress reliever of sorts for some of the caregivers, forget the antidepressants for an evening and go get a helium balloon, I dare you not to laugh!!!!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2016
    Great story! Helium balloon therapy!
    I like the mental picture of the whole roomful of people just laughing their heads off. Stress relief indeed.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2016
    Sounds like lots of fun - just what the doctor ordered.
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2016
    Might want to check out helium beer on you tube,some funny stuff
    Ol don I have seen the helium beer videos on you tube and they just crack me right up... Could you imagine if you had a get together and served your guests the helium beer without telling them? I'd be laughing so hard I'd be crying but what a hoot that would be!