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    We caregivers must take care of ourselves. I have a bad history of breast cancer on both sides of my family. I was diagnosed at age 47 so of course I have follow-up studies. When I found the imaging facility I go to had not gone digital as promised I canceled my appointment and went to one that has. Coincidentally it is almost right next door to my development. I asked to see the print out and was amazed at the clarity. Ladies-make sure your facility has gone digital.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    bluedaze, thanks, i am guilty as charged, another thing on the 'me' list. will get digital! C
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    I have an appointment on Thursday. They have called me back 4 times in the last 5 years and I was called back multiple times twice. The facility had gone partially digital, but they did me on a film machine the last time around because that was what the radiologist wanted. They have just moved so I bet they are 100% digital at this point.
    I was forwarned that the first digital would show abnormalities as there was nothing to compare to. I did bring my old films. Just in case you were curious-yes they still squish you. I have implants so they have to squish twice as many times. Also have to sign a waiver in case they rupture an implant and won't be liable.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    I took DH to the doctor yesterday because I thought maybe he'd had another TIA. He didn't but while there he checked my BP (it was up), and then he was leafig through my folder and said "When did you have your last mammogram?" Well, in all honesty, it's been about 3 years. He said he'd like me to get one ASAP. Whick I will do ASAP. I Just gotta get that done.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    My therapist asked me what I was doing to take care of myself. After telling her I was talking to HER <grin> I told her I had a mammogram appointment. She liked that.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    I just had a mammogram. How do you know if they are digital or not? No history here, but am I getting the best?
    You need to ask the tech. There is no way you would know as the proceedure is the same. So sorry your job and life are coming down around your ears.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    Is the film they put into the machine square? It is a film camera. The digital media, if any, doesn't have corners according to the tech who did my last mammogram. I'm not even sure they use media. The same hospital group did an ex-ray on me this year and there was no media with that one.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    My tech showed me the screen where I could see the image. As bluedaze said, they still squish you but it IS a lot better image.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    When I was at my Dr. last week he also told me to go have a mammogram. With all these request for CG to get this done, does care giving to AD spouses have some relationship to breast cancer?? Stress, etc. is high I know that.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    Thanks ever so much, bluedaze.
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008
    I had a digital mammogram last week. I was disappointed to learn they still squish you. I thought maybe they wouldn't need to.
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008
    I'm hoping that they won't poke me with the corners so much when I go tomorrow. The squishing I expect. And here is hoping I don't get called back for even more squishing and an ultrasound.
    Mine this spring was digital. I didn't know the difference until the tech told me that they went digital. You're right, it does show the abnormalities. In my case, this is better because I have a lot of lumps that we can feel and now can finally see. I asked the tech if I could show my husband as he is always so concerned when I go to the doctor. He thinks that there is always something wrong. The tech brought him back and showed and discussed the image. It was a good thing. He was put at ease by seeing it.

    On another note, a 49 year old women here in town and the sister of a friend of mine went to the doctor 2 1/2 weeks ago because she was having problems with her legs. There was a family history of clots and that is what she thought she had. It turned out to be colon cancer. Apparently, leg problems is a symptom of advanced colon cancer. She passed away on Saturday. Please, everyone, keep getting your testing done. There was no history of colon cancer in her family.

    Mary in Montana, my colonoscopy is scheduled for the 22nd.......all of you talked me into it....and I'm going to be thinking about all of you and Dave Barry on the 21st..... <grin>
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008
    Didn't Dave have a recommendation about mixing a lot of vodka with the stuff you use to prep?
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008
    The only thing I found different with digital mammograms is they don't hurt as much---honest.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008
    I've gotta make that call. Thanks for the reminder.
    Good Girl
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008
    I'm also set for the dreaded C third, but far better than the alternative. I'm thinking of trying the before mentioned Barry cocktail...what can it hurt? At least for 1-2 of the gulps..don't think I'll mention it to my T-totaler Doc. (:-)
    If this stuff tastes awful, then, since I can only have clear liquid, I'll go for Barry's suggestion!
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Kathi 37: Did the C scope hurt? I have to have one so I have been doing some research. As I understand it they give you something for pain but it allows you to communicate with them The article I read says, they also give you a drug that makes you forget every thing that happens and that is why people say..." didn't hurt, it wasn't that bad" because they really can't remember about it afterwards. This one fellow refused to take the "forget memory drug" because he needed to go to a very important business meeting and didn't want to feel drugged up. Well, about half way through he said he was begging them to give him anythng and everything it hurt so badly. What has been your experience Kathi...I am scared to death to have it done.
    • CommentAuthorcarma
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008 edited
    JudithKB, the worst thing about the C is the stuff you have to drink. When they prep you and they wheeled me into the op I said to myself they better not start with me awake, well they put the needle in the IV an the next thing I knew is when I woke up, back in the room where i was before the procedure. So don't be scared. There is no pain afterward. At least I didn't have any. I went to IHop for breakfast after worth. YumYum
    JudithKB, Carma is right. The prep is the only thing bad. I went to O'Charley's for lunch right after. I don't know about a memory drug. I think they just put you out for the short time it takes.

    Marsh might know more about the kind of drug they give.
    • CommentAuthorCatherine
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    They give you versed so you have no memory of the process. A few years ago my youngest son broke both the bones in his forearm in a displaced fracture. They told me they were going to give him "conscious sedation" to set his arm. They gave him morphine and versed. He was awake, aware and in incredible pain as they set his arm in three pulls. A young EMT in training that was holding him down had to leave the room. He has absolutely no memory of having his arm set. They kept saying to me, "don't worry Mom, he'll never remember this". I kept thinking "Yeah but I'll never forget it."
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    So, Judith, the recommendation is not to let your mother go along ... :-)

    I've only had a sigmoid flex, not my favorite procedure in the world. My sister has had both, and would strongly recommend the colonoscopy. She said it was like carma reports, one minute waiting to start, and the next minute all over. No pain.

    Even Dave Barry says so!
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Zero pain....that's the absolute truth! The only pain I recall was my size 1 Doc suggesting I should lose some weight...that was three years ago!!! It is the night before cocktail that is a trial. I have used Crystal Light to add better flavor, but not too sure it helped that much. The citrus flavor is hands down the best one available..such as it is.

    Re-read Dave Barry's was very accurate besides funny.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    are you going to use the capsules to prep or the liquid stuff?? each dr recommends his ideas, but i thought the idea of capsule preps would be easier. there was a thread on this here too a bit back, divvi
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008 edited
    I think I may have mentioned a bit back on this thread, I have kidney problems (only one functions) so I have to go the old fashioned route...yukko! For some reason I'm not a candidate for the new improved version.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Had the Mammogram this morning. They've moved to new quarters and have gone all digital. It took 10 minutes including extra pictures. In the past it was at least half an hour because they generally had to process the film twice before we were all done. As a result, when I needed to reschedule due to my cold last week, I had my choice of days and times. It used to take months to get a rescheduled appointment. I think they added one more set of machines as well, which probably has something to do with it all working out so well.

    And yes, I did make the 2009 appointment. <grin>
    Catherine, they give you a drug to erase your memory??? Yikes....... Gosh, with what we're dealing with here, that's really scary. I wonder what I did or what I said or how much groaning I did and don't remember.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Yes, you get a drug so you don't remember anything...that is why everyone says it doesn't hurt and no problem. They can't remember what actually happened so of course they all say "no problems, don't remember a thing". I don't think I want this done.
    Wow did this conversation change direction
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Well, but, Judith, how much pain and misery would you be in if you had colon cancer and it didn't get discovered early enough to be treated?

    (bluedaze, ya gotta be flex in this world.)
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008 edited
    Have you ever known anyone with colon cancer or seen the ravages it can inflict? I have...believe me, this procedure is a walk in the park. You are NOT sore afterwards at all. Don't be foolish and let emotion lead you away from the life saving procedure. Please!
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2008
    Judith, I KNOW they put me out. I talked to the anesthesiologist. I wasn't just given something so I wouldn't remember. In fact, they used the same drug that was used on me when they did my knee surgery.

    I wasn't sore at all afterwards.

    The procedure that was done when I was awake in California, and which failed half way through, was a totally different story. It was so bad that I kept asking questions about what kind of drugs I was going to get. I also am one of those people that needs extra drugs. I've been known to cry and fight during operations.
    I've still got a week to go until my c - I don't want the "forgetfulness" drug. I'm going to stand up on the table and shout "I WANT MORPHINE" <grin> Think it will work? LOL

    bluedaze, sorry about that! :)
    While we're not on the subject-I am very claustrophobic. When MRI's first came out some patients came through our presurgical area because they were going to have general anesthesia for the procedure. At that time I thought it was overkill (of course I hadn't yet seen the machine). Now that I have seen the machine I know I would have to be completely out. Even the so called open machine wouldn't work for me. By the way-for any of your needing an MRI-the open machines are not as good as the closed.