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    • CommentAuthorRona
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2016
    Yes Elizabeth she can be transferred but you have to wait 2 months before you can apply then can take a few months after that. Right now she is still aware of her surroundings and being in a newer facility that is bright and open with a lot of things going on with a private room I think is important now rather than an old facility that feels more like a hospital and you may be in a room with 3 others. 6 months from now may not make a difference but right now I think it does. Just want her in nice surroundings. This last respite a funded facility, waterfront on the ocean, nice views, great staff, open and bright that is were I want her now not while she can still appreciate her surroundings. Will have to see what happens when I meet with our case worker as it is the luck of the draw where they put you and hopefully will keep us on the list.

    I also know from experience, with respite, and with In laws the care in my preferred places is good. The others may be good as well but better what you know.

    Picked her up from respite today with our dog she was very happy to see the dog and played with him then said to me that she had a dog just like him. She didn't recognize me or the dog. I asked if she knew who I was and she said no! I had a bit of tear up at that point. She was waiting for her husband I told her it was me and the dog was Jake we got it together and went home.

    Have put a plan in place for a transition period. I found even taking her to respite I was anxious and stressed for weeks before, how will I get her there etc. each time felt like I was taking her to stay she reacted very negatively both times she just wants to be at home. Although having said that she did well at the respite I think fit in well. So my care worker is going to do 2 respite days a week in our home. Lisa can be At home with the dog. I am very lucky we have a cabin only an hour and half away, where I can go. So 2 days off every week. This I know can not go on for a long time but hopefully for a month or two this could work. will cost but still be cheaper than full care and will give us a bit longer at home together.
    Hang in there, Ron. You are doing a fabulous job of caring for her and planning for her future, and I don't know how you are managing all the strain and maintaining your own sanity, even with the respite. She is one lucky lady to have a husband like you.
    Spring has sprung in Florida -- mowed the lawn midweek for the first time since November, and have been comfortable wearing shorts for the past couple of days.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016
    Rub it in Gourdchipper!!!!!! :-)
    Unbelievable. I'm stil in wool socks and boots. (Bogs--for the swampy areas of the yard and the puddles--lots of rain currently.)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2016
    Now that the weather is nicer and more people are out, Art is always wanted to go walking. He forgets he just got back and says something like 'I guess I will go for my walk to today'. Oh well!

    When we have a sunny day I try to get out other than when walking the dog or use her as the excuse. Working on making outside a little cheerful like getting it ready to plant flowers in the pots and watching the ones from last year to see if they survived the winter. When the lady moved out next door I inherited many of her's that she didn't want to take. One is a hibiscus which I hope survived. My miniature roses that I have had for a few years is budding out, so they survived another winter despite the fact it wasn't until after the first freeze I put it under the motorhome.
    Spring in Maine. Prediction is for 8-12 inches of snow starting early Monday morning.
    So much for spring here in southeastern PA. our prediction was for a dusting to 5 to 8 inches of snow. Luckily we had the dusting which was gone by noon today.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2016
    Just cold here!! Northeastern Ohio....
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2016
    It was a nice day today even though rain and possible thunderstorms were forecast. So, we worked on trying to get the 'porch' more stable and think we made it. We were trying to cut off one of the 4x4s so we can open the door all the way but all his many saws are so crappy they wouldn't cut through. Had hope when he came out with another circular saw. We threw one away a couple weeks ago cause it died but it was cutting good until then. This one would not cut - probably the blades too dull. Tried 3 different hand saws but could not get through. Both of us were getting frustrated. All came to a quick halt when I stumbled on a concrete block and fell. I missed my knee cap thankfully but hit above the knee on the outer edge. Seems that little 'knob' on the top outer side of the knee is what took the brunt of the hit. My knee is swollen above it. It only hurts when I bend it!! I am sure during the night it will be hurting after the ibuprofen wears off. Taking the dog out should be fun! Art appeared a little upset at first - tried to pull me up but I was just pulling him over, so got myself up. This is the first time I can remember getting hurt and crying vs the tough guy attitude I usually have. It didn't hurt as much as scare me cause my knee was numb, not hurting.

    I helped him move the porch back where it belonged along with the steps (so I could get in), then left him to put his many tools away. By the time he came in he had no memory of it and was not registering I guess why I was laying on the bed with ice on my knee. I did get up and dump the tanks since it was time, plus I took a shower in case I can't move too well tomorrow and did not want to encounter a full grey water in the middle of my shower! The most pain is when I bend it stretching the skin - probably due to the swelling. I know my left hand and arm will be sore since my hand hit hard and had the skin torn on it.

    Oh well, live and learn.

    Heard from my case manager at Aging and Long Term care. I was approved for 4 caregiver counseling sessions; home respite if I want it but not sure how well that would work due to living in an RV if the person is not an RVer; he was approved for 5 hours of day care up to 3 days a week. Not sure if that is 5 hours spread over 3 days or a total of 15. She is sending me all the paperwork so I will know then. So I will find out more about where the day care will be (will be a county sponsored one) and what they do, maybe go visit. It is across town about 21 miles.

    that was my exciting day.
    Oh Charlotte, I hated to hear that you fell like that. I'm sending moral support by ESP...hope you can feel the waves of good wishes coming your way.
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2016
    Me, too: sending you waves of good wishes. Sounds like you did all right things to treat the injury. Sorry it happened.
    Charlotte, how are you this morning?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2016
    Fine, surprised it did not bother me during the night - of course was taking the ibuprofen. I did get woke up with the other leg hurting me about 4 am. I have an appointment with my chiropractor. Things were out of whack before and sure after the fall more so. No signs of black and blue yet, but the skin itself is the most pain when I touch it where it is swollen. I am sure by the end of the day it will be hurting more than right now. But I can walk and bend my knee with little pain. Thanks for asking.
    Glad it wasn't worse. Never a dull moment.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2016
    We had a very mild winter but on Thursday we had a real ice storm. The ice stayed on all the trees and branches and bushes yesterday but there was no wind. Today we had a different kind of ice storm. It was so warm that by late morning the ice was dropping so hard and fast it was dangerous to walk outside because my area is called Forest Hills for a reason. I've never seen trees shedding ice everywhere so fast in my life. That's the end of winter this year I would bet.
    Took Bandit over to the vet's to be neutered late yesterday afternoon. Brought my pathetic little ball of fur home at 6:30...he made an unusual mistake and peed on the carpet (still groggy from the anesthesia, I think) then he laid on the couch next to me under my fleece jacket until I put him in his carrier (he sleeps in it) around 10:40 pm. He drank a little water and had his pain medicine and a treat, but didn't want to eat. He slept like a log all night--I didn't sleep that well because I was afraid he was dead--lol--like if your baby sleeps too well, right? You worry. Anyway, he's OK today, but not eating yet...just resting on his blanket and mouthing his favorite toys...had his pain med and his antibiotic...been outside once to "do his business" , and once again with no results. It's cold out today, and he starts to shiver, so I'm not keeping him out for long. He likes to sit on my lap and be petted and cuddled. Ha-ha, so much for me thinking my caregiving days were done.

    Bandit is little and cute--somebody in the park told me it looked like I was walking a squirrel--ha,ha--but he is a "real" dog, who can bring home a dead frog or sniff garbage dumpsters with the best of them. He gets a lot of attention and affection, but he does have to mind me and follow the rules. I'm continually surprised at how he and I are bonding big-time. I can see where the expression "Man's best friend" comes from. I don't know that I would ever get another puppy in the future--the work and time they take is ridiculous--but since I got him on Jan. 27, he has been a huge help in my AD caregiver recovery. It is just so nice not to be alone all the time, and to have another sentient life form in the house to talk to and socialize with.

    In thinking back, I could not have coped with a dog and with caring for Larry at the same time. But this dog is sure helping me now. What a difference.
    Elizabeth, I had to rehome my precious Yorkies late into Tim's progression. I just couldn't do it all and no one would take Tim...ha ha! It was absolutely heart wrenching!!! I was just so thankful to find someone that was willing to take them both. They were litter mates. They reside in my hometown and I get an occasional update from my old groomer there as the new owner uses her too. I have never ask to see them when I am in town. I just don't think I could walk away from them again! Tim and I cried like babies when we made the decision that they had to go. And, honestly, that is saying a lot for me. I am NOT the emotional type! He forgot pretty quickly...I was so sad for quite a while. They just bring such pure joy into our lives!!! I am considering getting another pup later this year. I am really taking my time on the final decision as I know what a commitment it is and I want to be sure! Enjoy that baby of yours!!!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2016
    I debated between a puppy or an adult dog. I just was not into potty training a puppy. When we got Jasmine, age 2 at the time, we didn't know if she was house trained or not. Thankfully she evidently was. I think we had two accidents with pee and one with poop - which was during the night when I didn't want to get up. She thinks every time I get up during the night to pee, she needs to go out to pee. Often I am up every two hours, so that is a lot of going out. I know I will always be up within two hours of going to bed, but after that I try to go longer. Some nights I have made it 4-5 hours and she never wants out, so she just goes on my cues at night I guess. She won't poop in our yard, so that is when a morning and evening walk are required. Unfortunately and much to hb's hurt feelings, she won't let him take her for the walks - it has to be me along. But, she will let him take her outside to pee (which doesn't require being on leash), in fact, she can get him to take her out every half hour since he forgets. I have to smile when she sits by the door 5 minutes after coming in and she gets him to take her out again to leave her drop of pee!!! She does mind well when out though. She doesn't need to be on leash in the yard (even though park rules say she should) because she will stop when I tell her too. When we go for a walk we go on the access road behind the park. There is about 100 feet to where she knows she can run before having to stop to be put on leash. As soon as I say 'stop' she stops and waits. She is not as wells trained as our other dogs probably cause our daughter taught them how to lay, play dead, role over, etc.

    She has brought us lots of laughs and joy despite having to go for a walk when I don't want to but that is good for me. I was leary of getting a rescue and older dog vs puppy, but she has worked out great.

    Sunshine is going to stay around for a while, heading to 70 by the end of the week. :-) I need to find a sharper saw to get the one post on the porch cut off so we can open the door all the way.

    My knee is slowly getting better. Surprise to me was Friday when I saw my foot was swollen some and black/blue. It never hurt after the fall. Maybe the blood from my knee traveled down since it has not turned b/b like I thought it would.
    I have a dog and a cat. I lost one of my dogs last Nov at 13 and cat in Jan at almost 17. The two I have are dog 13 and cat 11. I did not realize that my dog is totally deaf. She was able to cover it up by following the other dog. After she was gone I noticed that the hearing was gone. Who knows how long she has been like this : ( . I have not had a puppy in almost 30 years, the last three dogs were older when they came to me. And I am fine with that. Been very lucky as they were all house trained and had manners. I do miss having a puppy at times. Life would be just to lonely without them. Have had a dog or cat or both all my life.
    Here in the upper midwest, spring has come early. (Sounds like Lake Woebegon) I decided that the grass needed mowing before it rained tonight. I was almost done . . . one more swatch . . . and ran the tractor into a bog that I didn't know was there, but should have. Mud spattered all over my back and hair and the tractor buried in mud up to the mowing deck. Then it started to rain.
    So I bit my lip, cleaned up and went to see DH at LTC. And. . . poop. And. . . a shower, but he wouldn't let me take off his shirt, or a sock and kept grabbing my wrists (which pushes my button). It was ugly, but he got clean. And I'm throwing out the rest of the Easter chocolate because I can't stand that color any more. Color me curmudgeon.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2016
    march, I am so sorry. What a mess! This was clearly a day where you "should have stood in bed."
    Everything is relative. Today is a new day and a new chance for a good day.

    Yesterday morning, a terrific Frontier telephone repairman fixed my internet better than it has ever been. So last night I had a glass of wine, Ike (my little black terrier) curled up by my side, and I finished watching Out of Africa and was able to marvel at the photography (thanks to the better connection) and Meryl Streep's performance. I've missed lots of movies for various reasons, one being that I use CC. Now it is nice to have this huge backlog of movies that I need to watch before I die as a welcome distraction.

    A guy is coming out on Saturday to get the tractor unstuck. DH's issues are ongoing, so I try to deal with them and then set them free. Everything is relative and in the big scheme of things, yesterday was nothing. Well, to be fair, it was something very annoying at the time.

    This life with AD is humbling. When this is over, I hope I don't forget that.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2016
    marche, it comes to my mind "there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this, mamma said" ! I don't think mamma had any idea!! :)
    After my only son was born with Downs Syndrome, my mamma said that God doesn't give a person a burden that he knows they can't handle.
    I'm going back three days here to catch up. Charlotte, I hope your knee is better by now. And I also have a dog who usually won't poop in the yard...we have to go far, far down the road, regardless of the weather or the hour. Very hygienic, I suppose, from his point of view. As I've got back to more normal sleeping habits after Larry's death, (not having to get up every couple hours with him), I've found that limiting caffeinated beverages to two a day, and not drinking anything after 7:30 or 8 pm lets me sleep usually seven hours or so without having to "go." It still seems like pure luxury.

    Aunt B., I just keep thinking about how you had to give your two dogs away thanks to Alzheimers. I totally get it--it would have been impossible to have pets and take care of Larry both--I can just visualize what you must have been dealing with. Hugs. ((( )))

    Marche, I am sending support through ESP. Sounds like you coped well, though. Also hugs and support to Mim and Mary in Pennsylvania. ((( ))) ((( )))
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2016
    Thanks Elizabeth for asking. My knee only hurts if I put pressure on it like getting on my knees. The pain is mostly above the knee where the tissue was traumatized. It is weird because when touching the skin or when I accidentally put pressure on my knee it feels like when you get a rug burn.