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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2016
    As most of my veteran members are aware, due to your incredible generosity, I was able to attend the Washington DC Alzheimer’s Advocacy Forum last year. It was a success, both personally and professionally, as we made quite an impact.

    Although finances are stable enough for me to pay my own way this year, my physical and emotional stamina are not. I am struggling daily to recover from Sid’s death in June. Some days are better than others. Twelve years of Alzheimer’s Disease have taken their toll on my emotional and physical health. Besides lack of energy and stamina, I have had heart issues to deal with. I have had scores of tests, with one more to go. The cardiologist is keeping an eye on what he calls a “minimal” blockage, with a prescription for healthy eating and exercising. I am trying to overcome the depression with an increase in my antidepressant and more social activities, but honestly, I do not have the stamina for the pace of the DC Forum.

    The Forum begins on April 4th, which also happens to be the day I have been summoned for jury duty. Can you believe it?

    I would urge you to consider contacting your local Alzheimer’s Association about becoming a delegate to the Forum. It is a fascinating, frustrating, rewarding experience. Please consider making the trip to represent us.

    Update on the website – I have my first consultation meeting with Matt next week on the redesign.

    Thank you.

    Good heavens, don't even think it, Joan. You need to focus on you and you only. Arms around.
    Joan, Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Just take one day at a time.