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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    This afternoon I went to visit DH. He was having trouble getting onto a certain site and this was really frustrating him.I walked him through something that last year he would have just breezed through but not anymore. I was able to download all the things he wanted so he was happy. I then asked him not to do anything more unless I was there and he agreed. He looked so sad as he said I just can't do this anymore. It broke my heart and I stayed and visited for a while longer then came home and cried.
    He is sleeping so much more now. This morning he went for breakfast in his pjs, never does that, always dressed up. Then he came out of the dining room and sat in the chairs near the desk and slept for 40 minutes then back to his room and slept until 11:30. After I left he went back to bed and slept until 16:30. He is really sleeping quite a lot now.
    So many changes now.


    I so remember the changes and how it affected my husband each time he lost the ability to do things, and how his confidence dropped. Heartbreaking. Keep up your great work with him - you are now his Rock of Gibraltar. Stay strong.

    Hugs back to you.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2016
    Jazzy, we all know how you feel and what you're going through. Heartbreaking to watch, but what other choice do we have if we made the decision to be there? Somehow we all get through this terrible torture and pain but I know we lose a lot of ourselves in the process.

    You are a kind, loving and great wife and caregiver and we are all here for you. Many ((((HUGS))))