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    For all of you who have supported me since Christmas Eve, 2010, when my son and his partner were murdered in their home - the trial is postponed again since the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty statute in Fl is unconstitutional. All death penalty cases are on hold until the legislature 'fixes' this. I don't know if this will ever be over - just a dark cloud still hanging over my head and heart. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    Oh Vickie my heart goes out to you. In 2001 my bests friends son was murdered and they have never found the killer or killers. She will never get any kind of answers as to who and why.
    I wasn't a member at the time of your son's death but it is never to late to send my prayers and sympathy.

    God bless

    Thank you, Jazzy. The perpetrator has been behind bars all this time. They caught him 3 days later
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    Vickie, I am so sorry the trial is must be so hard waiting for "the wheels of justice to turn". It seems to me this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment for YOU. As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Vickie, I was not on these forums when it happened, but am so sorry you have had to go through this. It just sounds like your worst nightmare...and then to go on for so long. There are just no words. Hugs and prayers.
    I also was not on the boards at the time this happened, and am very sorry that this has been hanging over you for so long. I had an uncle who was murdered (stabbed 62 times), and for many years this went unsolved until after this person was in jail 5 years for another murder, he confessed to killing my uncle. It was a random killing. He was a psychopath, and because he was considered mentally he was never charged with my uncle’s murder. I am so sorry for the loss of your son and his partner. God bless as you try to deal with this.
    • CommentAuthorLindylou*
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    I too add my thoughts and prayers.
    Vickie, I am so sorry this has happened. The waiting is so hard on you. Please know that you are in my prayers. (((Hugs)))
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016 edited
    I am also so sorry that this happened to your son. In the early 1990s, a friend and coworker was held captive, sexually assaulted, and murdered. The trial, which took place one year after the crime, resulted in an automatic life sentence without the possibility of parole. (We do not have the death penalty here.) What I got from attending the trial was not retribution, but the fulfillment of a great need in me for this story to be told in a formal and official way. Since then, I have come to believe that human beings have a deep need to hear a detailed public recounting of wrongs, whether these events are extreme outrages against entire populations, such as the Holocaust or slavery, or less extreme wrongs done to individuals, such as mistreatment or disrespect of a vulnerable family member. I am so sorry that you have been deprived of this official acknowledgement of the crime that was committed against your son. Six years is much too long and the story has yet to be told.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    So sorry you are still being torn by this. Chances of him ever being executed even if he goes to trial are slim to none. Are you open to them changing life in prison without parole to get this over with?
    From the beginning,Charlotte, I had hoped and prayed he would plead to life without the possibility of parole; however he has been charged with 2 capital murders so that cannot be changed unless he takes a plea. Am still hoping this will happen, but I doubt it now.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2016
    Vickie, Myrtle said so clearly that human beings have a deep need to hear a public recounting of wrongs. I'm sorry you don't have that yet. This is a very long time to have to wait for the wheels of justice to turn.
    Vickie......Thirty-two years ago the son of one of our best friends was murdered and
    the case has never been solved. The murderer is probably still walking the streets
    and causing more misery and suffering.

    In your case, Vickie, you at least can be thankful that no matter when or what
    happens with court proceedings the perpetrator will never harm anyone else.
    However knowing what our friends went through. I think it would be difficult to
    be thankful for anything as long as the perpetrator was still alive.

    I can only imagine what it was like for you to have this thrust upon you on top of
    the Alzheimer's journey. You have to be a very strong girl to get through all this.
    But now you should be able to handle anything that life throws at you.
    Thank you for that,George. Guess I'm stronger than I realized. After suffering heart attack and stroke several months ago; I am doing well; have found a wonderful man who loves me, and everyday is exciting for us.
    Justice delayed is justice denied.
    I am sorry to come back to the forums and read that you are still in this limbo..prayers for you and strength are going up for you..
    Victims and their families are just left in the dust bin way too often in cases like this.
    Arms Around.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2016

    I cannot imagine what you have been going through, and I am so sorry for all that you have had to endure - with such grace and dignity, I must add. I wouldn't count on the judicial system for much, so I hope that you receive some comfort from the fact that your son and his friend's murderer is in jail, and will not be getting out, no matter how long this drags on.


    I think we all hope for some kind of closure for you, so your heart can heal. Glad to hear that you have someone in your life, and that you are happy again. Wishing you the best.
    Yes, I can't imagine having gone through that on top of being an AD spouse. I'm thinking of you, and am glad that you have some love and light in your life now.
    Vickie, my thoughts go out to you in this difficult time. I remember when it happened and you were caring for your husband.
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2016
    I remember, too, and you are always in my heart.