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    Haha MYRTLE....minus 15 at 7:00am..this probably would not be a big deal in Winnipeg...As a person who lives in Winnipeg we have been having an awesome winter so we are sitting at about 0 celsius which is 32 degrees farenheit and for most of the month our temps are forecasted to be quite might even say bloody balmy...Gives us Peggers a chance to thaw the blood in our veins for awhile lol
    Mary, I am "lizzzi".

    And 29scorpio, I like that term "Peggers". Would never have thought of that for someone living in Winnipeg.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2016 edited
    Hi 29scoropio, I know that compared to you guys, we are wimps. On my one visit to Winnipeg, I was impressed to see parking lots with electric connections so you could plug in block heaters for your engines. I also, remember, however, that the sun was gloriously bright in February.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2016
    Husband had his visit with the neurologist yesterday even though he has no memory. A year ago he scored 18/30, yesterday 13/30. Doctor didn't know if it was cause he was tired but I said his answers were pretty much how he is. I asked why she never does the clock drawing. She said because she did not do it at the beginning. She likes to repeat the same test as a bench mark. For the second time I did remember the three objects (which she changes each time so no memorizing). :-)
    So he is going downhill. Sigh. To be expected, I guess. You are doing a great job with him, Charlotte.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2016
    Charlotte, How did the neurologist react to the news that you had taken him off the galantamine? As I remember, she insisted on keeping him on it, even though you did not think it helped.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2016
    She actually surprised me by being OK with it when I said I saw no change plus that it helped the acid reflex for a while.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2016
    In December I received notice that our storage unit rent was going up - again - to $48. I gave notice for the end of this month. Today I was stopped by the manager while leaving and he asked if I would be interested in an inside unit the same size. I told him every thing is going up but gas prices, so I have to cut non-essentials. I asked how much, he said take a look at it. I did then he said he would guarantee $19 a month for three years. How could I refuse? Will go in Saturday to sign the contract then all the stuff I have been hauling home I can haul back!!
    I've been coming here at least once a day, reading and following all of you through
    your day to day travels and I'm feeling a bit guilty that I haven't contributed anything for quite a while. So I'm thinking I should at least let you all know that I'm still around and tell you what happened to me. Bear in mind that I'm still 94 years old.

    Last Oct. my kids and friends convinced me to move from the big home where my dear Helen and I spent most of our 67 happy years together. I had been there by myself three and a half years. So.....not wanting to be a burden on my family and friends I made the big move into a little apartment in a retirement community called Hillcrest. I had to give up 98% of the stuff I had accumulated over my lifetime. And that was tough, And everything is so different here. It's almost like living in a dream world.

    Hillcrest is really a first class place for us oldies. I had Helen in the LTC here for her last eight months. Over 300 residents living in apartments, small homes and long term care, and all kinds of activities going on every hour of every day. Everything imaginable is provided.

    So this is my present situation.......I've almost completely used up this old body that I've been living in for 94 years. My eyes can't see very well. My ears can't hear very well. My brain can't think very well. My legs can barely walk.
    The only thing I've got that still works is my big mouth..... And it's usually working overtime.

    So.....What do I do every day of the week?.......It's mostly the computer and the wonderful world wide web. There's so many interesting things going on in this world and I enjoy the learning. And then I still have my little website which I enjoy visiting and reminiscing the good old days. There's also a lot going on here at Hillcrest and It's easy to make friends. I have two sisters living here and another close by. All my old friends and relatives come to visit and it seems like they all want to take care of me.

    Of course I still miss my dear Helen and am reminded of her each time I see a happy couple still living together here at Hillcrest.
    But looking at my situation overall I have to think that I'm a very lucky guy. The only real adversity I've had to face throughout my entire life was the dementia trip with my Dear Helen.

    I just wish that everyone here could be as lucky as me. You all deserve it so much.

    Your Old, Old friend GeorgieBoy..........
    Hello, George. Glad to hear that you are still enjoying Hillcrest. I've always thought that a little later in life I would like to move to that kind of place. It sounds nice to have people around and things to do, but I imagine that when you want privacy you can just shut your door and have your solitude.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2016
    Yesterday I moved the MH back 2 feet so the car dolly would fit better in front of us. What a nightmare. Truly shows the 13/30 score he had at the neurologist. I can only imagine the nightmare it would have been to move over to my sister's to help her.

    If I just backed up it would be one thing but I put boards under the tires to level off some so the jacks don't have to go out as far. Art was totally confused by the whole process. After we finally got all set and I leveled it asking him if the jacks were down on the blocks, go out to find the back driver side jack was barely on the block. While I was watching it I asked him to retract the jacks so I could move it without getting in and out of the MH. I was talking to the neighbor, turned around and the rear tires were off the ground!! So, I had to go in, retract, go out put blocks under jack, then put them down again! Had to move deck outside of door due to moving back 2 feet. It is on concrete blocks right now which meant moving them. Stopped for the night - exhausted and sore. Dumb me - the first time out the door I almost fell not thinking about because the MH is sitting up higher (raised front up higher) the step would be about 2 inches lower! Oh, did I mention I also did laundry before all the moving started! And to get to the steering wheel to start meant removing the heavy curtain across the front to keep cold out!

    Today moved the car dolly out front, moved stuff from one storage unit to the other - most of it was in the car from being taken out Thursday. Cleaned off the concrete where the dolly was parked, then moved the concrete blocks I have been collecting (about 30) to partition off the back half for a patio. Went to Walmart to buy scalloped curved concrete edging to put around the tree. Most everyone has a circle but I have one too many, so instead of a circle it will be more like a flower (neighbors description). I like it - more personality than a circle. Tomorrow will spray with vinegar to kill the grass, then fill with soil to be ready for planting flowers. I also have a little white fence the lady left next door that I will stick in front of the concrete for a better look. Then put the covers on the tires.

    Tried to find the deck screws we bought to put the legs on the deck we have luged around for years but I have no idea where Art put them - or maybe I put them somewhere so I would know where they were!! Will have to search more in depth tomorrow - can't afford to buy another box. Also, hope to wash the filthy car tomorrow unless the wind is blowing like predicted.

    All I can say - feels good to have it done but I am sore all over. I am icing my shoulders to help with the rotator cuff problems. Can say I slept good the last two nights. This has been my weekend. Can't wait to see if my patio comes out like I envision it. I plan to put fake flowers in the concrete blocks and ivy hanging over. Gets too hot to put real flower in the concrete blocks. Dollar store here I come!
    It sounds like such a nice, cosy place--like a cottage on wheels. But yikes, what a lot of work when you don't have anyone who can really help. Take care of those aches and pains.
    George, good to hear of your situation. I moved into a similar place when Marge was still able to do some things with me. It's much smaller than yours (only 80 residents in Assisted Living, Independent apartments, and cottages). As with yours, there something going on all the time, so if you're bored, it's your own fault. One side effect - when I moved back here after Marge died (we had been in a different place the last 2 years) I planned to just hang out in my apartment, read, watch TV, and go one some of the trips. Well, as you all know, that changed when I met Terri on a van trip. We were married in December. So, George, don't stay in your apartment all the time. You can never tell what will happen. As someone said "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans". Age 94 is not too old for interesting things to happen. One of our residents just turned 102 and we have another who is 105. And they both are mentally and physically active. One of the women here is 97 and still works as cashier at the local thrift shop.
    Hey Marsh......... Thanks for the advice. I'm sure Helen would have
    told me the same. I do enjoy just playing around with the computer.
    Writing stories and songs and learning things. But I am trying to do
    more socially as you suggest. It gives me a feeling of self worth.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2016
    George, sounds to me that you have loved well & are well loved in return. A blessed man.