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    Don't put a hand towel in bathroom. DH thinks it's toilet paper. Learn something new every day.
    And don't put anything in the bathroom that he could think was toilet paper and try to flush down the toilet...i.e. paper towels, "flushable" wipes (that aren't, of course), whatever. It may be a nuisance to keep those things somewhere else where he can't get them, (hall linen closet, maybe?), but you'll be glad you did. And supervise the use of toilet paper, lest you find whole rolls going into the toilet. I've never seen anybody on god's green earth who could plug up a toilet the way DH did as he became more and more confused. Thank goodness for s-i-l, who, despite his law degree, was the most expert and willing toilet-plunging guy I've ever known.
    The only saving grace is that he throws tp in the wastebasket rather than the toilet. He can go through a roll a day.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2016
    Wonderful....something else to be on the lookout for! :)
    • CommentAuthorLindylou*
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2016
    Kalady37, It is so comforting to know problems are shared, I'm not sure why. Bird seed is stored under the table. Dirty laundry is in a hamper hidden in the shower. Waste baskets are another matter. I am at a loss as to what to do with them, and I don't know why my partner is obsessed. Her handing me messy stuff from the trash used to push my button and send me off, until I realized I had to remove the button. I no longer get upset, but its sure not fun finding stuff on the sink that should never ever be there, or having to remove trash and towels from the toilet, or taking "gifts" from her and redepositing them in trash and saying, "and now we shall all wash our hands".
    While DH was in the hospital, I removed all his regular underwear and replaced them with Depends. Lo and behold yesterday I found a pair of boxers in the desk drawer. Isn't that where everybody keeps them?