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    • CommentAuthorOnewife
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2016
    If you go in a nursing home before 5 yr look back can you pay out of pocket for 2 yrs than apply for Medicaid.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2016
    I strongly suggest seeing an eldercare attorney. The rules are different for every state.

    Back to your question. This is my plan. My wife is in an ALF and when I placed her I was told that when when her retirement funds ran out they would move her to their nursing home and help apply for Medicaid.

    So yes, you do not have to apply for Medicaid when you place your spouse in a NH. You want a lawyer to help plan for keeping the most of your estate. When you apply for Medicaid, Medicaid doesn't step in until your assets go below a certain point. Keep in mind this is LTC Medicaid which is different from regular Medicaid.

    There are advantages to starting with private placement. A NH might accept your spouse based on your assets (they may want to be sure you can pay for 2-3 years) and then assist in the Medicaid application.

    But again, you need legal advice from an eldercare attorney who practices in your state.
    • CommentAuthorOnewife
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2016
    Thank you.