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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2016
    Yesterday was the last day for Kevan's resident Doctor as she moves on to a new area. She told him "your wife is a great advocate for you" he was so happy to tell me that and now that comment will help my confidence in how I look after his care. Feels good.
    Congratulations, Jazzy. You know in your heart that is true, but nice when the doctor confirms it to Kevan.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2016
    I agree with marg78* - although it's true, it's nice to have the doctor acknowledge it and even better that he said it to Kevan.
    That's great news and I'm so happy for you! I agree with myrtle and marg78*. It should make you feel really good that his doctor not only noticed it, but felt it important enough to tell Kevan. And the fact that he told you that is even better, because he wanted you to know what she said. Keep that with you and pull it out and savor it whenever you need some encouragement.
    Nice compliment from the doctor, Jazzy--and so well-deserved.