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    ...Going through some old files, I found this blog which I had written a long time ago in response to a
    topic about "Being Alone". It was marked ....NEVER SENT....
    ....I think the reason that I never sent it was that it seems as though some of you enjoy being alone and
    I thought it might offend someone, But now that I'm more familiar with this site, I'm thinking that it
    should be OK.....So here it is.....

    ....I've been following this thread as I do every thread and wondering if I have anything of value to
    offer here. So here are my thoughts about being alone.
    ....Actually I really can't understand the problem, because in all my 94 years I've never felt alone.
    Both Helen and I come from big loving families, but other than relatives, we had so many friends, and
    this discussion got me started thinking about where they all came from.
    ....First there were our church friends. We were not very religious in our later years but we had fun
    RV'ing and camping with the Trinity Travelers. Some caregivers here have mentioned the church as a
    wonderful source for friends
    ....Next, was the Lion's Club. I was a member for almost 60 years, and after many years of social
    activities, conventions, fund raisers and such our families grew very close. Our club always had a
    sunshine chairman who would keep track of anyone ill or in need and even introverts never lacked for
    Lions friends. Service clubs are a great source of friends. I don't think anyone on this site has ever
    mentioned belonging to a service club.
    ....Next, are the friends I've met through my work. Our families did everything together. And as an
    electrical contractor, I made friends with everyone I worked for or worked with.
    ....Next, are our neighbors. Over the years, Helen and I treasured our neighborhood friends and even
    now that I living here all alone, some of them keep bringing me food and want to take care of me.
    ....Next were the friends I made at the long term care home where I had to place Helen. They need me
    now and I try to visit them often.
    ....Then of course, I can't say enough about all of you wonderful friends on this site who have helped
    me so much when I really needed a friend who knew where I was coming from.
    ....Now....I need to give credit to the most friendly person that I've ever known..... ..My dear wife
    Helen. When we were visiting her home town.....No matter where we went, old high school friends,
    both guys and gals......Asians, Mexicans, Blacks. Whites, would all come up to greet her. She taught
    me her secret of making friends. No matter where she was or what the circumstances. she would
    always find something to say to a stranger, which would start a conversation.
    ....I could go on and on but I think I've said enough....I can understand being alone, but I can't
    understand lack of friends. Naturally, at my age, most all my old friends have died but I'm making new
    ones and having fun doing so...........GeorgieBoy
    I love your optimistic view of life! Your posts are filled with positivity and I sense you and your wife were

    Wonderful to be around. People like you make friends easily because you genuinely like people.

    Continue to share your wisdom, please. Keep making friends... They will be lucky to know you.
    Great post, George! Your happy attitude will carry you far. (It already has!)
    I totally agree with the above comments, George. You are a special person - you just love everyone, and it's impossible not to love you back.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2016
    You do well George.

    Among the circus of memories and thoughts I live in and regularly visit I will always have two that are yours. The turkey letters story which I've mentioned, and your meeting Helen for your first date. I have that scene filmed in my mind just as you wrote it. I remember you from when I touched up your photo of yourself in the uniform. You're the foxhole I sent the telegram to. You relate to how I think. You are valued by me and will always be remembered. I just want you to know that.

    The sign in the lobby of the Forest Hill Nursing Home:

    Plan as though you're going to live forever.
    Live as though this is your last day.