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    Our Dr. Marsh was married today! Congratulations, Marsh and Terri!
    Weren't they planning to get married on December 29th? Anyway, congratulations and best wishes Marsh and Terri. Wishing you many happy years and travels together.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2015
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2015
    That is great news. I wish them as much happiness as possible.
    What wonderful news--wishing them much happiness as they start their new life together.
    They moved it to today- Winter storm coming.
    Wonderful news - thanks for the update. Wishing them much happiness. Hope you are continuing to do well.
    Congratulations. May you have many happy years together.
    Such lovely news!! Sincere congratulations!
    I Come here every day and read the sad and weary stories.
    Drawn like a moth to a flame. Feeing the never ending
    pain and anguish that once was all mine.

    It's such a blessing to read a happy story like this. It makes
    my world livable again.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2015
    I agree, George. It's a nice change to read a happy story like this. Best wishes to the happy couple.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2015
    Blessings on you both.
    We had a very nice ceremony, conducted by my son-in-law. All 3 of my kids and spouses plus Terri's son, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and my sister were there. The service was held in our family home in Surry, ME. It's a good thing we made the last minute decision to change the day from Tues to Sun. Today we are having a major winter storm. Now we have the problem of moving my stuff out of my apartment and into her cottage (already fully furnished) or somehow get rid of a lot of "stuff", and tell everyone who sends me snail-mail that I have moved. I have only moved a short distance - from the Inn to a cottage in the same retirement community.
    What did you and Terri wear? Were there any flowers? Did you have a festive meal at home, or go out to eat? Details, marsh, details! (We have endured so much misery on this website that we are starved for the good stuff!)
    Well said elizabeth!! I too would love more details marsh. It is so great to tag along with your and Terri's wonderful news.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2015
    Maybe eventually there will be pics on his Facebook page so we can see.

    Keep safe in the storm. As for mail, at least they can forward it to your new digs.
    Charlotte, you are correct. My daughters posted several pictures on my facebook page.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2015
    I sent a friend request so won't be able to see them until accepted.
    Wonderful pictures and the Bed and Breakfast is out of this world!
    marsh if you are comfortable to give us your facebook name I would love to send you a friend request. Would be lovely to share in your joy.
    The name is Marshall Smith
    Charlotte, I didn't get your "Friend" request (or I may have deleted it in deleting the over 100 facebook e-mails on my list.)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2015
    I will send it again.