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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    DH is getting so upset about so many things that he is having to take Meds for stomach ulcers. He is arguing with me and staff and then crying because things are not going his way. I got so frustrated with him last night I had to hang up and take a break. He just jumps in and demands to have what you have. i.e. I got a library card and password. He demanded to have the password and when I refused he gave me a very hard time. I offered to get him one of his own but no way, he wanted mine.
    Last week he told me we had to meet in a place other then ours. Now he says that was just once in awhile.
    I guess it's time to not tell him anything about what I am doing. It's just hard not to share my life with him. I miss him so much.
    This is hard. I know with Larry it was like losing my best friend (a long time before he actually died). It isn't like you don't love them or aren't going to take care of them...but it's hard to watch that closeness slip away as you have to be careful what you tell them, and keep things to yourself that you think would upset them or they wouldn't understand.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    I'm learning not to tell Dan anything. I just go about whatever needs to be done - he never seems to ask questions or even pay much attention to anything (maybe I'm fortunate in that respect). It's hard not to share even the everyday things or events in the lives of friends & family. He's still at home & there is basically no meaningful conversation of any type.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    I have tried not to share much with him but he is very devious and demands information. He is now have major memory decline so soon it will not be a problem.