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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2015
    I am happy I moved here and wish I had done it last year when I wanted to. I will be having lunch Christmas Day with DH at the LTC and that will be nice but I was really down because I was going to come home about 13:00 hrs and be alone for the rest of the day. I was rather sad about that but today I was invited to go to a nice hotel with a few of the residents here and have dinner. I will rest in the afternoon and be fresh for the evening out.
    Things are getting better as everyone here waves as you drive by and stop and talk if you are out and they are walking the dog. They tease me as much as the others when I don't hit the dart board. It will take some time for me to meld in but so far it's been a good move.
    Excellent news Jazzy!!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2015
    It's so nice to have something positive to tell everyone for a change.
    DH still trying the control thing and poor but I seem to be handling it better.
    It's great to hear your good news, Jazzy. You are a wonderful caregiver, and you so deserve this. God bless.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2015
    That's great, Jazzy. It sound like a place that you can really look forward to calling "home."
    I'm glad to hear things are falling into place in your new home. It's nice that people seem friendly and receptive to new neighbors. Sometimes a change is all it takes to open new doors.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2015
    Good for you Jazzy! Merry Christmas.....
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    Yesterday about 14:30 I looked out the window and the community were walking by. They walked beside a horse drawn wagon with two huge, beautiful black horses. The wagon was ful of senior's out for a ride. There was a pickup truck with men picking up the boxes and bags of food for the food bank. The wagon stopped out front so Willy and I went out and waved. It was lovely. There was a trailer carrying Santa as well. The wagon then stopped at the club house and those that had walked were given a ride while the others went inside to a treat filled table and punch and hot chocolate. The bar was open and Santa came and many of the seniors sat on his knee for pictures. I went up and had a good time. I didn't know many people but they were all friendly. It was a fun afternoon.
    You need this now, Jazzy, to take your mind off what Kevan's disease is doing to him and to you. It sounds like your move was really a very good one for you. Sounds too like getting your dog, and this move to a friendly neighbourhood was just right for you. You are truly a wonderful caregiver. Hang in!
    Grown ups! Santa! Horses! Charitable activity! Treats! A bar! Where is this place? I'm moving in.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    It's in a small city in Ontario. I wish I had moved in here last year.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    Well that is the best you've sounded in a long time.

    Now you know from experience that the people are generally friendly and moments like that are available and in your future. I would try not to expect too much of them or yourself because all the dementia stress things still dominate life; but, try to understand that in time you can grow into this and it's going to be ok in the future.

    We are so bloody desperate for very good reason and I found it's the balance of normality that's hard to maintain and develop. In other words it's just as important for me to understand it will take time to get more comfortable as it is for me to learn gradually how to change.

    I'm in KW by the way. I'm finding it's also a friendly area compared to Toronto.
    I didn't mean specifically where is it. I was just kind of jokingly asking a rhetorical question. I think I know pretty much which of our folks are in Canada--there are so many places up there I want to visit. The maritime provinces are on my list, as is Glacier National Park, and also the British Columbian coast, Vancouver, and all that. I've never been to Ontario except for the Canadian side of Niagara Falls...and I know from talking to people that it is a must-see province. So many tourist little time. And a really, really cute Prime Minister!
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    Jazzy, This community sounds like it provides something we Alz spouses are sorely deprived of - fun. I'm so glad you found this place. Even if you are not joining in a specific activity, it must put a smile on your face to see all the camaraderie outside your window.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2015
    I joined in, not on the wagon or walking but I went to the party at the Club house.!