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    • CommentAuthorWife4375
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2015
    My husband has been diagnosed with vascular dementia which follows, I have been told, the same levels as ones with Alzheimer's the only difference being it progresses in steps not as a gradual continuous decline. He was a brilliant man running several large companies. He is still able to care for himself and work on the computer. That darn thing is a problem for me as he places orders for financial information that I have to turn around and cancel. He doesn't recall ordering or not receiving. Many are very expensive but most companies are understanding once I explain his problem. My attorney says my only option at this point is to cancel the credit card but he could get another. I have Power of Attorney but he is not "bad enough" at this time.

    We do enjoy each other's company though I never know when he will get angry in public like telling people in a restaurant to be quiet though not in words that nice. I also never know when he will verbally strike out at me. It keeps me from relaxing.

    Just need someone who understands.
    • CommentAuthorCO2*
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2015
    Wife 4375, rest assured everyone on this web site "gets it." My husband had a gradual continuous decline. That being said the end of the story is the same. I have a friend whose husband ran a business and had vascular dementia. He almost ran the company bankrupt before she realized something was wrong. He was making very bad business decisions. You will need to watch the business very closely and will eventually have to do something about it if you want to salvage the business. The problem is they rarely think anything is wrong with them and most other acquaintances will probably tell you how well he looks etc. only you will know the truth. Try to take care of yourself as best you can because you will need to draw on inner strength that you never knew you had one day. Please come here often and tell us how you see doing. This website was a virtual life line during my husband's decline. This is a journey none of us wanted to take but we were forced to. God bless
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2015
    Hi Wife4375. Welcome. A lot of the people that get this are quite bright.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2015
    Boy do I understand !!!!!! My hubby has, VaD, bvfronto and AD. He is now in LTC as I was unable to care for him. He will scream and yell at waiters, clerk and anyone who he thinks is not doing what he wants them to or how he wants them to do it. He would scream and yell at me and tell me I need a Head Dr. not him. He still says I need to be innLTC not him. He will yell at the PSW's if things are not done as he likes them. I bring him home for a few hours but often I have to take him back because he gets upset because I have things laying around, like a book or knitting project. My home is a "pig pen" and "I could tell me somethings about you but you would get mad and yell at me" The best thing that happened was for him to go into LTC as I can et away from him. i miss the person I had before and this one is a stranger but I love him still.
    I always carried my cell in one pocket, my id and credit card in the other and I hooked my car and house keys on my belt loop. I always had a coat in the car just incase.
    Protect your self my dear as you just never know. Get him into care as soon as you can for your own safety.

    big Hugs

    Welcome! Mine didn't have the behaviors you describe but you have found and joined a site that may very well preserve YOUR sanity!