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    I don't remember what her sign in name is-but Betty Kelley's husband is now free from this horrible disease.
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2015
    Was it Bettyhere?
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2015
    No, I searched for it and nothing came up.
    Ladies I am bak on here.And yes MY PAUL is free and I am now lost and broken..
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2015
    there was a Bettyhere but her husband died in 2003. There is a bettyboop but has not been around since 2011. I remember Betty Kelley though and she is on Facebook. Don't remember her screen name
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2015
    Just saw she posted under Bak.
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2015
    Bak, you will heal. It takes time. Go with it.
    So sorry for the loss of Paul. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    I am so sorry for your loss. Will pray for you. It is so much harder than I could believe.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2015
    Betty, you and your beloved Paul are in my prayers. So very sorry for your loss.

    I HATE this disease. So many lives ruined.
    So sorry to hear this, Bak. I'm 6 months in now and while some days are difficult there are happy times as well.
    Take good care of yourself now.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2015 edited
    Betty, I'm very sorry for the loss of your Paul. Because I also truly believe they are free of the disease I don't regret her passing after ten years of battling together (read surviving). I know about lost and broken. Caregiving is abuse to every part of the human being or any being except perhaps the soul. In the grief ahead, it is possible to help ourselves a little by having some pity for the reality of the state we were pushed into when our spouse passed. It took some months for me to be able to begin to take enough pity on what I knew but could not feel - that I needed some care too now, and that it was me that had to try and find ways to begin to provide that as the months passed. My sincerest condolences and hearfelt wishes for you to find you are strong. Everyone who sees their mate through this is strong.