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    • CommentAuthorOnewife
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2015
    One year living with my husband who has Lewy body. Yes it has sunk in to my brain that it's really happening. He is much older than his 58 yrs. He has false delusions he thinks the grocery store is boycotting us. Someone has a listening device installed in our home. People are going to try and rob our home. We have had people hiding in our living room. Oh and some days he wants a divorce. After being married 37 yrs. Some moments of the day he is better and more like his old self. We have a apt w neurologist this month hoping he can prescribe something other than his 24 mg galantamine. We had 3 episodes of excessive night sweats. No falls. He has a good appetite. I'm not sure if this is going fast, slow or right on track. I'm preparing for the worst hoping for the best. He qualified for ssd. We have elder attorney and a financial plan in process. I have joined a support group. From reading all your post I know we might have many years to go on this journey. Does anybody have advice? Anything you would have done differently ? Lady golfer and Charlotte I hope you respond. Thanks
    Sorry Onewife! Sounds like you are taking care of the important stuff with the SSD approved and the elder attorney in place to guide you. I am glad you have found a support group too. I hope you get lots of support and good info there. All that paranoia...that sounds kinka unusual for Lewi Body doesn't it? I know hallucinations are common. Good luck at the Dr appt. I hope he can offer something that will truly help!