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    DH will be leaving rehab into hospice by the end of the week. I know I will have to sign papers agreeing to no more hospitalization. If present meds are removed, do they include heart and blood pressure meds?

    In less than 2 weeks he has lost over 17 lbs., entering rehab at 144 and now weighing 125. Eating very little and spoon-fed most of the time.
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2015
    Shirley, I have no experience with hospice, but it seems reasonable to me that the heart and blood pressure meds would be continued if possible. Someone with more knowledge and experience will be along to answer your question.
    shirley, I believe that the meds will be reviewed and discussed with you before anything is discontinued. With Larry, all the meds that helped his medical conditions and helped keep him comfortable (heart, blood pressure, diuretic, eye drops, neuropathy in lower legs) were all continued. The Namenda was discontinued, as obviously he was at end-stage Alzheimers, and the Namenda had never done anything anyway.

    Then of course new meds were started to try to control the worsening Alzheimers symptoms. (Ativan, Seroquel, Depakote, varying dosages and at varying times.
    When Ron was with Hospice for 10 months, he was kept on all of the meds that he had been on. Some were not covered by Hospice (medicare) but for those his previous doctors continued to write prescriptions. It was only after his blood pressure got very low did they discontinue the med for that. He even had the Aricept until the end.