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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2015
    Well here we go again! I am moving to the senior's community next Monday the 19th.
    Yes I said moves!
    DH has been asking to move to a less expensive room for over a year and last Friday he got the call and we moved him on Thursday. It means $549.79 less for me to pay a month. I was concerned that it might upset him but, no way. He loves his new room and says it is the first time he has felt at home since he went there 2 years ago.
    They had an open mike that night and he had everyone singing. The residents on this floor are much more cognoscente so he has better conversations. He was becoming to attached to the ones on the other floor and was very affected by their changes from what they were when he went there. He sits at a table for meals with three ladies. One complains about everything and when she starts complaining he sings. The other two are great and he gets along with them. They get fed up with the other one as well.
    He is not able to handle anything where he has to speak to give words to a problem. He just gets to upset. Our dad and set his room up and he told us he couldn't do it anymore. Lots of changes happening.
    Yes, I will be very happy when all these moves are over. I really need to be were there are activities to take part in.


    • CommentAuthorCarolVT
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2015
    Good news, Jazzy! Sounds as if you both will be happier very soon. Good Luck with your move on the 19th.
    Sounds really good, Jazzy. You are a great caregiver in the way you have handled his progression. All the best,
    What will your new place be like? Details, Jazzy, details. : D

    It sounds like good moves for both of you.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2015
    Well Elizabeth, my new home is a 12X60 mobile with a big drop out off the living room making it about 8X10 bigger. It has two bedrooms and a nice big kitchen. Off the kitchen is a ten by ten three season sunroom. My washer and dryer are in the bathroom so no more stairs. The park is full of beautiful trees and a dog park. Lots of little dogs live here.
    There is a nice club house with crafts, bingo, cards, exercise classes, pot lucks, social nights, darts, pool etc.
    The office has a list of people for snow and grass removal.
    Everyone waves or comes over to talk. My Doctor's office is across the street and they now have dental so I hope to get in there as well. DH's residence is only 6 minutes away with less traffic. Bus right at the gate takes me right to his residence and back if I can't drive. I've lived in a mobile before so I am not concerned. Kitchen at one end, bedrooms on the other with living room in the middle. Lots of windows. Well maintained by original owner.
    Groceries, restaurants, gas and lots of other things are two blocks away.

    ONE FLOOR!!!


    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2015
    I have thought of moving into a mobile home. There are parks around here with the single wides that you can buy for under 10,000. But, the lot rents are more than we pay with less benefits, so I stay in the RV.

    good to hear things are changing for the good for both of you.
    It sounds like a well-thought-out choice, Jazzy. Oct. 19 will be a busy day for you! (But a good day.) You should be getting in before the snow flies...always a good plan.