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    This speech was given by Jim Valvano. He coached North Carolina State to an
    NCAA basketball championship. He gave this speech shortly before he died from
    cancer, He had to be helped onto the podium. It's about 3 things you should do
    every day. It was very meaningful to me and I want to pass it along to my friends here.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2015
    Very inspiring, George! Mr. Valvano was clearly a much-admired man and I can understand why.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2015
    Laugh, think, and cry and that is a full day. That just has to be true.

    But he also said you have to have an enthusiasm for life and his shines very brightly. And he also told the story of how badly he messed up on his first day. "I did that." he said being honoured and saying bluntly that he was going to talk as long as he liked and he hoped he had time to finish the speech while everyone teared up watching this paragon of life in front of them.

    Never give up. Fight for your dreams. Time of your life, huh kid?