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    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2015
    This morning I found an article on the internet which talked about "wearable pet technology"--collars that can check for a fever, monitor pulse and respiration, and even indicate if your pet is in pain. The article said, "A wearable collar can tell an owner when a dog is in pain, something even the dog is sometimes not able to do". Irregularities trigger a notice by phone, text or email. There is also a professional unit that is available to veterinarians to prescribe for pets recovering from surgery or long-term illness.

    This is nice for pets, of course, but where is similar technology for our loved ones? Many of them also have difficulty in expressing when they are ill or in pain. Caregivers for people are left to their own devices when trying to monitor their loved ones, and I think we all worry about missing signals and having our loved ones suffer. (And for people with loved ones in nursing homes, don't you wish you would get an instant notification if your spouse had a medical issue?) I wish somebody would develop technology like this for people--who need it at least as much as pets do.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2015 edited
    How big is this thing? I'm wondering if it would work on humans if it were attached to a piece of clothing. Or worn as a wristwatch.

    When my husband was still at home, I had him on a GPS tracker that was designed for dogs. (I could not afford the exorbitant price and monthly fees for the one recommended by the Alz. Assn.) I attached it to his belt and it worked perfectly.

    P.S. Did the article say who made this thing and what it is called?