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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2015
    I have been going through quite a time lately with Kevan. He is now turning things he is doing around that I am doing them not him. This morning I spoke with his resident Doctor and according to her he is having a great time. I am not being told by him how active and involved he is. It's always poor me! Now I find out nothing is as it seems.
    I had gone to see him when I spoke to the Doctor but left without visiting as I was just to upset. I guess the resident saw me and told the Doctor and he called me.
    They are getting all their facts together and will be calling me soon to discuss meds changes. I was surprised when the Doctor If I needed a letter. I asked if it was time and he said yes it is so I will be receiving a capacity letter which will give me full control. No more arguments or upsets.
    I guess they are starting to see more changes then I am so are ready to act to help settle him down.
    I aiming going to take a break. His Doctor told me I need to just shut off my concern and let them take care of him. I was told to take a few weeks of respite so I am.


    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2015
    Hi Jazzy, This sounds like a step forward for you. You explained to us before what a handful Kevan could be and I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been for you to manage Kevan's care when you did not have full control. I hope these weeks of respite will allow you to relax a little bit.