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    Went to our grandson's wedding yesterday. It involved an hour's drive each way. I knew my husband could not tolerate the drive, along with 100 people attending. He has to access a bathroom every 15 minutes since he had bladder radiation for cancer recently (that's another story). I hired a caregiver from a very reputable agency which worked out very well. Didn't realize how starved I was for normal human contact. I really enjoyable day.
    katlady, glad you had a nice day. It's so important not to miss life's milestones, especially when you are a caregiver and it's easy to isolate yourself. I didn't realize this until DH went into care and suddenly there was the freedom to go for a walk or meet a friend for lunch - normal human contact, as you say, and it's vital to our own wellbeing. Take care of yourself, and now that you know the caregiver worked so well, perhaps you will find other opportunities for a much-needed break.
    I hope to do that.