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    Does anyone know a good source for either men's draw string pants or all elastic waist pants. I hope this style of pants would help DH get to the toilet quicker. Thanks.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2015
    Try this -

    I actually went to Goodwill and picked up enough pairs at about $4 each.

    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2015
    Walmart also has 1/2 elastic waist pants in khaki, navy & black for about $10.00 each. Although they have a zipper I bought them 1 size bigger so all we have to do is yak them down when he has to go. You might also try JC Penny's - I've had good luck finding clothes he needs at very reasonable prices.

    I think Buck & Buck may have them as well.
    Larry's came from Walmart, if I remember right. (My daughter picked them up for us, because I couldn't get out of the house.) They were just inexpensive "sweatpants" in dark, neutral colors. He wasn't going out of the house any more, so we didn't need anything that looked like dress pants. They were warm, comfortable, easy to yank up and down, and easy to wash and dry. Inexpensive, too, of course.
    Check into scrub pants too. I am a nurse and my husband wore a couple of pairs that I had that were all elastic. So much easier on the caregiver to get up and down. The drawstrings are just more trouble and time consuming. They are sold at Walmart too. I see them a lot at Goodwill too.
    • CommentTimeAug 28th 2015
    The site has those types of pants also. That's where I have been getting my husband's from.
    I also got Ron's from Haband. They were the "Casual Joe" , cotton/polyester blend so they looked neat, but lightweight so they were easy to wash and quick to dry.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2015
    Deb, good to see you again. Hope all is well.
    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2015
    Hi LFL,

    I visit the site but don't post much. My husband still goes to day care 3 days a week and on those days I help out with my parents or do my errands. He's pretty content with his routine and since I have moved closer to family, I don't feel so lonely. Hope you are doing well.