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    • CommentAuthorbobbie
    • CommentTimeAug 8th 2015
    I didn't know that moping with vinegar would take care of the odor so well. Thank whoever put it on this site.

    Also, thanks to whoever put the suggestion non about putting paper towels in the container with baby soap and water. I used water and some some no rinse body wash that we had gotten at the hospital. Is there any reason you can't flush that?
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeAug 9th 2015
    If you flush the paper towel you will likely plug up your toilet which would mean a plumbing bill. I would get some good rubber gloves and something to drain the water from the paper towels and put the water alone down the toilet and the paper towels in double garbage bag and that should work. Done forget to wash your gloves so you can use them for that job again.
    I hope this suggestion helps as I have never had to do this. Others will likely come around with better solutions then mine.
    Don't flush anything down the toilet except toilet paper...a lot of wipes say "flushable", but don't risk it. I would get a box of gloves like medical personnel use all the time. (I wear a size 7 glove, so that's a "medium", but I can get away with a "large", too.) I still have a box, and use them for all kinds of cleaning and mopping when I don't want to get my hands dirty. Mine are left over from Hospice, and say, "McKesson Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves." There are 100 in the box (50 pairs). If you find that you don't like vinyl, get yourself a box of nitrile gloves. They're a little more expensive, but some people like them better. Don't get latex though, because allergies can build up over time. When we had aides in the house five days a week, I had the local pharmacy order me a case of the gloves that the aide liked, and I wore them, too.

    I vote for vinegar, too. It's the best thing to get rid of that lingering urine odor...a simple fix.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2015
    Elizabeth is correct. Many sewer systems are going through expensive repairs from "flushable" baby wipes. They aren't. And if they clog your home's pipes repairs can be expensive.
    • CommentAuthorbobbie
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2015
    thank you. I should have known that. How much will I have to relearn?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2015
    If you put it in a jar of water, shake it and it starts breaking down it is safe. Otherwise, it is not. That is the test we use to find whether toilet paper is safe for RVs.
    • CommentAuthorbobbie
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2015
    Wish I had known that when we were rving. I always hunted the toilet paper that was safe for septic systems.

    I wish we were in the rv right now, driving down the road to meet up with friends.