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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2015
    Hello Everyone,

    I wrote this on the home page - - but I wanted to post it here also. It's been 7 weeks since Alzheimer's Disease took the love of my life. It seems like yesterday. I have been having, and am still having, a very rough time of it. I'm the only person I know who went through 9 months of individual grief therapy BEFORE her husband died, is still going through it, and is also attending an 8 week Grief Support Group. Since I often feel as if I am being swallowed by grief quicksand, I cannot imagine how I would feel if I did NOT have all of this support.

    In any case, barring anymore unforeseen circumstances, I do plan to return to website work this week. I will be updating the home page – and writing many new blogs.

    My apologies to the new people I have not yet welcomed.

    Thank you for your patience during this horrible time in my life.

    joang*, you need to take all the time you need. how could this group of caregivers not be the most patient of all people you will ever know? as long as you do not completely abandon us we will all survive until you are ready to rejoin on what ever level you can.
    Yes, just do what you can do. No need to push, unless you yourself feel the need. If anybody "gets" this stuff, we do.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2015
    While I was away from website work, Amazon changed all of their links to a new format. I worked on getting the new links up and running today, but if you click one, and it takes you someplace you never knew existed, or someplace that does not exist, know that it will be fixed soon. Also, please notice the new Amazon "search" box in the top right hand side of the home page. Whenever you shop at Amazon, please go through that "search" feature. Everything you buy will be credited to the Alzheimer Spouse account, for a small commission. Thank you!
