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    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2015
    Has anybody ever thought of setting up a chat room for us that are on this site a lot? Sometimes it would be nice to get immediate feedback and not have to go through all of the different threads. I love this site and am certainly not being critical in ANY way. It has been a lifesaver. I was just wondering. Any thoughts?
    Delimc53, I would like that too as I am on the computer so much and it is such a lifeline. But I have no idea how to do that. Good thought. Perhaps there are others interested.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2015
    many use the chat feature of Facebook. For others you can friend each other in Skype (they merged with messenger so you can chat too), ICQ, if you have gmail you can set up chat there.
    I don't know anything about Facebook or Skype. For me, It has been a challenge just to use this site.
    So if you're an internet dummy like me, I have a suggestion.

    Why don't you just put your email address in your profile and we can communicate with each other by
    email. Only someone who has signed into this site can get my email address so I don't worry much
    about spam, and I've had my address there for years without a problem. My email address will show n/a
    unless the user is signed in........Pretty clever idea Joan and her programmer had.

    This way we don't have to clutter up this site with our little conversations. Also, I've noticed that some
    of us use the monthly page like a chat room.

    Just a suggestion...........Dummy GeorgieBoy