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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2015
    Dan still seems to remember faces, not always sure he can put a name to it. Usually though, he does remarkably well with those things. A former bowling buddy stopped by to see him & Dan knew right away who it was. Do some with AD pretty much always remember people? I hear & read so many things about them forgetting people, even family (spouses, children), just wondered if that happens to everyone...

    Maybe Dan just hasn't reached that stage yet. I figure, as best I can, that he' s late-middle stage (does that make sense?), seems quite oblivious to everyday things (except when his watch says it's time to eat supper, hungry or not!)
    I realize that everyone here is no stranger to adversity but
    here is something to think about.


    As I think about this, Over and over again I hear the message
    of adversity being a positive. I hear......
    ....Adversity builds strength.
    ....If life was a bowl of cherries it would not be worth living.
    ....Without bad times there would be no good times.
    It brings to my mind this little poem which still causes me to
    do a lot of thinking about what I want out of life.

    Whenever Richard Cory went downtown,
    We people on the pavement looked at him.
    He was a gentleman from sole to crown.
    Clean favored and imperially slim.
    And he was always quietly arrayed.
    And he was always human when he talked,
    But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
    "Good morning," and he glittered when he walked.
    And he was rich -- yes richer than a king,
    And admirably schooled in every grace.
    In fine, we thought that he was everything
    To make us wish that we were in his place.
    So on we toiled and waited for the light.
    And went without the meat, and cursed the bread.
    And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
    Went home and put a bullet through his head.

    ............ By Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935)
    I am going to my 40th class reunion this coming weekend. 40??? How did THAT happen??? Seems like a # my mom or dad would say. I was going to lose 10-15 lbs before this weekend. Instead, I gained 4 more. So, I bought a new the next size up. I had the most amazingly cool, fun class and I am excited to see them. The last reunion was 5 years ago. We had the AD lingering over our heads. I had just retired to stay home with him and we were planning our move here to be near my daughter who was pregnant with our first grandchild. So much has changed in the past 5 years... that baby was a boy and he is almost 5 now, we have 3 other babies...another boy and 2 girls, we moved and love it here, Tim packed up and made his final move (to his Heavenly home), and I have approx. 15 lbs still hanging around! I will go...I will have fun right? Well, I hope so! We'll see.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2015 edited
    Have a great time. I had my 40th in 2010 - the first one I made it to since my 5th. I only went to the Saturday night casual get together and left hb at home.

    I wanted to lose pounds too but they kept finding me faster than I could lose them!! I could never hide from them either!

    We still have horrible smoke from all the fires north of us. There is a slight chance of rain for the northern half of the state this weekend - would be so welcomed especially if they don't have lightening with it.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2015
    Today is the 40th anniversary of the release of Bruce Springsteen's album Born to Run.

    That makes me feel old.
    I wasn't very popular in high school. I only had two good friends there.
    So I never went to any class reunions.

    My nephew told me that he was really looking forward to his high school
    class reunion, but when he went there, all there was .... was a bunch
    of old people.
    Ha! I look at everyone else and think...Man, they look so old! I am sure that I don't look that way...right??? We had a lot of fun and the reunions just get better. All of life's experiences just puts you all on even ground. The clicks are gone and by this time we are just happy to see each other as common survivors of what life has dealt each one of us.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2015
    A guy in the park gave us two tickets to the county fair yesterday. We went today, the last day of the fair. When we use to go to fairs it was the state fairs which are huge compared to this one. We parked here in Richland and took the bus over vs fighting the traffic. It saved us $2 - the difference between parking and bus fare. It was nice for a small fair. The group singing on the stage was so loud you heard it all over the fairgrounds. Was funny cause people would pay $15 for reserved seating while the rest either stood, sat on the ground or the bleachers for free!! We spent two hours walking around reminiscing about the rides we use to go on and how much the food use to cost vs now. Burgers with grilled onions were $12.00, fresh made foot long corn dogs were $8; funnel cake or elephant ears were $8. Before we left I finally splurged and bought an apple funnel cake to share. We did get a good meal of sorts - it was BBQ competition today, so we made 3 trips around to the about 12 booths giving out samples of their BBQ meat. Some were good due to spices, others cause the meat was so tender. I don't know who won, but I had one I liked the best.

    Today was finally cooler but with winds blowing and lots of dust. Nice thing is a lot of the smoke is blown away and now the winds have died down some along with the dust. I just pray up north they did not get the big winds we did - the last thing they need for the fires.

    And - I am tired. Was really down yesterday and had to force myself to go today. Glad I did - was good for me to get out and hb always enjoys going anywhere.
    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2015
    Talking about the wild fires in Washington State: I left my house in Vancouver, B.C. at 10:30 a.m.Thursday morning to fly to Castlegar. B.C. to visit my youngest son.
    At 2:00 p.m., now at Castlegar, I watched the landing wheels come down. The ground below was visible, showing grass and a lot of smoke. The smell of smoke filled the cabin, and a couple of people started coughing. Up came the wheels, an abrupt right-hand turn was made as we began to ascend rapidly.
    Back to Vancouver — I was back home scrambling up some supper by 5:30 p.m. Went to be early and slept for 11 hours.
    Charlotte, we had the big winds here yesterday. As far as I know, they didn't have them in the fire area. Trees were uprooted (they were brittle from the drought we've had since May), and I was without power for 27 hours. It just came back on. I have a butane stove and could make tea.