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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015
    Just when I was about to start archiving the older blogs on the home page, and start writing new ones, it came to my attention that Google has a notice on my site that warns that my site may have been hacked. When I clicked on it, it gave a list of complicated instructions on how to fix the site so that Google would remove the warning. Under NORMAL circumstances, I would not be able to follow what was written. Considering what grief is doing to my concentration, ambition, and mental capacity, there was no way I was even going to bother reading any further. I called Matt ( my computer expert), and asked him to do whatever needed to be done to fix it. So while he is working through my web design software remotely, I cannot use it, which means I cannot post any new blogs or news links. If I have any news links, I will post them on the message boards. He will probably have it all fixed by this weekend, so I should be able to use it again next week. And BTW, as far as I can tell, this site has NOT been hacked.

    Just wanted to let you know that I was planning on returning to web work. Not that the stabbing grief has abated.I am just learning how to function around it. Sort of. Sometimes. I started my grief group ( strictly for spouses) yesterday. I think it will help me learn to cope better. I promise to write blogs about it after Matt fixes my Google issues.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015
    Wonder if that is why the last few days I have had problems getting into the boards. The home page comes up but often I will get an error message or page not found.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015
    Thank you for telling me that. I will tell Matt.

    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015
    I had a strange msg come up with all kinds of codes that had a small note saying " server not found". My comments were dumped before I could add them. I found things pretty quiet here lately, maybe that is why. It seems to be alright now.
    It will be nice to have you back on line joang*
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015
    Same here...I got "page not found" and "server not found" error messages over the past 2 days.

    As always anticipating your new blogs, joang*.
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015
    Have noted the same problems as Charlotte, Jazzy and LFL. Once I had to change my server from Safari to Firefox to access the site. The next time I tried, I got through on Safari. Matt sounds like a jewel, I'm glad you have him.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015

    I have had similar issues. Yesterday for sure because I wanted to respond to acvann's topic, especially following myrtle's comment which was very helpful to me. I don't access the site through Google. I have the homepage and the forum page pinned separately and so go directly to the sites. My browser is IE.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2015
    I am going to copy this whole page of comments and send it to Matt. I think the fact that you are being very specific in explaining your problems will be helpful to him. Thanks everyone.


    Yes, he is a jewel. I am so proud of him. I met him 9 years ago when we moved to Florida. He was just a kid working in a computer store, going to school part time. He is about 28 years old now, works from home writing programs for a huge multi faceted company AND he started his own consulting business, AND he still does computer repair either by going to people's homes or bringing their computers back to his home office. His father died suddenly about 6 years ago, so he is the main support of his family. Oh, and his grandmother is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer's Disease.
