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    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015 edited
    Last night, Clare and I appeared as part of an Alzheimer's segment on the CBS Evening News. Whereas I was very pleased to see Clare looking so happy and beautiful on air, and CBS did a nice job of presenting a brief human interest story, I was very disappointed that none of the video where I talked about the need for more federal funding for Alzheimer’s research ever made it to the air. All of that information about the serious underfunding of Alzheimer’s research that never made it on air, however, will be in one of my August articles, “Alzheimer’s and the Media” on my blog in The Huffington Post at www.huffingtonpost/allan-s-vann. For those who want to see the video shown last night on CBS, there are 2 links you can go to. One has the actual footage shown on the broadcast, and the other has extended footage with, if I recall correctly, additional text. Anything to further Alzheimer's awareness is helpful, but I just wish the national media would pick up on the real story ... the gross underfunding of Alzheimer's research. I'll keep on fighting the good fight that Joan got us started on! A!lan



    I watched both CBS videos and took a look at your BlogSpot site.
    It looks like your are really into this horrible mess. I want to
    thank you for all the time and effort you have generously given
    to promote Alzheimer's awareness. You are very good at it and
    I think in your own way, you are doing a lot of good in this world.
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015
    Acvann, thanks for providing these two links. I understand your disappointment that your comments about the government's underfunding of Alzheimer was not made public, but it was a very effective interview in raising public awareness. You were articulate and human. I think there will be a positive spinoff from the interview. Yes, Claire does look happy and beautiful.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015
    For others who want to watch this . . .
    -- The first video Allan lists is part of the interview with Allan. It was not shown in this form on the news.
    -- The second video Allan lists is what was shown on the news. It contains clips from the interview with Allan. It also shows Clare (who is not in the first video.) I was not able to download this video from the link but was able to watch it when I searched "CBS Evening News July 21, 2015." The story starts at 10:48 minutes.

    Allan, I found the first video more interesting because it explained more about what people have to deal with. (The second one was really about the study.) I think viewers could benefit from a much longer video with you explaining what you and Clare went through because it explains a lot of details that most people do not understand. (Like the inability to find places, the lack of understanding of that one's own clothing is on backwards, etc.)
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015
    Myrtle ... they videotaped Clare and me for more than an hour in a restaurant and at my house. Then they drove me to CBS studios in NYC and I was interviewed by Dr. LaPook for nearly 30 minutes. And from all of that ... you saw what they chose to put on the air!

    George, Mary ... thank you!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015

    I thought you did a great job of trying to tell a story people could get. It's too bad we live in such a soundbite society, but, more and more people get more exposure to it through what you did and others do to get the word out that Alzheimer's needs more support from society.

    Personally, it was also something to see you on television and get a peek into your and Clare's experience. Thank you for sharing both the longer interview and the CBS final version with us.
    I saw it and wondered if you knew about Joan's site for spouses. I even wondered that if you were a member here, which member were you. I am so glad you posted to let us know it was you. You did a wonderful job describing the toll on the caregiver. I am sure you had so much more to say that was edited out. Clare looked so content and secure with you. It is evident that you take very good care of her. Thank you so much for opening yourself up and exposing your intimate relationship to try to raise more awareness to this devastating disease.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2015 edited
    I didn't know about this. It's late now, but I will be sure to watch it tomorrow.

    Allan, I just checked my email for the first time in days, and saw that you had emailed me about the broadcast. My bad. Sorry about that.
