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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2015
    As if I needed more grief at this time, while I sit by Sid's bedside in Hospice House, I got an email from Go Daddy that the domain name, website hosting, email - the whole thing will expire on June 21 unless the renewal bill is paid. I can't deal with more stress at this time. Your generosity made the DC trip possible, but it was so expensive that it drained the business account. I must once again ask for your help in getting this done. Thank you if you can help. I've been so wrapped up in what has been going on with Sid that I forgot about the renewal.

    Joan, my check will be in tomorrow's mail. I'll be mailing it to the address below, right? Hang in there!

    The Alzheimer Spouse LLC
    Joan Gershman
    PO Box 880303
    Port St. Lucie, FL 34988
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2015
    My check is on the way, too.

    Gourdchipper, Thanks for posting the address.
    I'll mail a check tomorrow.
    I will also send a check tomorrow. So glad to hear you have Hospice. Wishing you both peace and the best possible passing for Sid.
    I just wrote the check and it well be in the mail tomorrow.
    the check is in Monday's mail
    I will put a check in the mail. You need not worry about this now.
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2015
    Is there anything else we can do for you to get the website taken care of? Do you need someone else to do this? Let us know if you need us to do something else besides contribute please.
    I am glad you are at Hospice - they are there for family members as well as patient, so if you need help getting through, do ask and let them know, because that is what they do, really well. Been thinking of you today & sending prayers of strength and whatever else you & Sid need. Hugs around you.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2015
    Joan, I join mariposa in asking if there is anything we can do to help with the website issues, besides contribute. You do not need to be dealing with business matters at this time.
    Putting check in mail today.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2015
    Thank you everyone. Thank you so much.

    Re: Website. There is nothing anyone can do because I have the web design software. But honestly, the only thing I will be doing that requires the software is adding to the picture and notice that is on the home page as more details become available. And I have to do that in a lot of places anyway ( Online funeral home, Facebook, etc.), so it will be a simple matter of writing it once and copying it to the software.

    Although writing is therapeutic for me, I have been unable to do it. As you can imagine, control freak me is not going to let anyone else write and deliver the eulogy. Some ideas flitted in and out of my head awhile ago, so maybe later after some more rest, I will be up to it.

    When this is all over, and I have a chance to pull myself together, I hope to write a blog that adequately expresses my gratitude to all of you for all that you have done financially and emotionally for me.

    And yes, in case anyone was wondering, the website WILL continue. It's not going anywhere. The need is too great.

    My check went in the mail today. (((Hugs)))
    Check going out tonight with some other outgoing mail.
    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2015
    Check mailed today.

    Sending PayPal money today. Bless your heart.
