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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2015
    Well, our first experience with a urinary tract infection & antibiotic....this should be interesting. In general terms, what can I expect to happen? Anything dramatic?

    I tried searching for this subject, but I must not be doing it right. I came up with nothing! Duh.....I know it's been discussed many times here.
    Make sure he drinks plenty of fluids, Mim, especially in this hot weather we're having. (Things like Italian Ices do count.) And he may have some confusion or disorientation related to the UTI. And I know you know this, but continue the antibiotic for the prescribed amount of time, even if symptoms have subsided. There may be frequency of urination, burning or pain upon urination, or blood or purulent material in the urine until the antibiotic kicks in. You didn't say what antibiotic he's on, but sometimes Cipro causes confusion in and of itself.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2015
    It isn't Cipro, but I forget the name (don't feel like getting off the sofa to get the bottle!!). He really is confused today, slept most of the morning in the recliner, then we went to the store. If I self-check out, he's been my bagger. Today just could not get him to understand what I meant, finally gave up & did a lot of it myself. I learned today that if I have a larger order, go to a cashier....learn little lessons every day!

    He sat on our covered porch when we got home, just before the next deluge! It was so windy for a while, he put his jacket on - said it was too chilly. With the humidity we have!!! I've noticed that he seems to equate breezy with chilly. I also think that now he has lost his sense of thirst. I think that's why he has a UTI - he doesn't drink enough water or other liquids other than what he has with breakfast & supper. I'm trying to "force drink" him now, telling him it's doctor's orders. Anything I can get into him.
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2015
    A UTI made my person completely agitated and his behavior went off the edge. We tried one antibiotic and he still had it, so had to get another (Cipro, which he didn't have any worse side effects with). But the nursing home put him on anti psychotic drugs for the behavior, which caused terrible side effects, before they figured out he had a UTI. (They also kept "forgetting" to fill his water pitchers with straws, which I kept near where he sat and would see & them). They do forget to drink, and offering them a drink often is a good idea.The nursing home he is in now has a cranberry drink that is tasty and he is given it with meals. He hasn't had another infection since.