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    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2015
    Surprisingly the knots in my shoulders and back are gone. I have been worshiping the heating pad the last few days along with ibuprofen because of the stress. I should sleep better tonight. Hb is also glad we are not moving. Not only is the MH his comfort zone, the park is too.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2015
    Charlotte, my two cents worth is that you made the right decision - and your body is now telling you what your heart already knew, and your mind finally grasped.

    I wish I could transport you, your DH and your motor home up here - lots of country air, nice scenery, cool nights, warm days. And like you, I wear clothes until they are only fit for rags. When I was working, and got my hair done on a regular basis, wore nice suits and high heels, I was always impatient to get home and put the "me" clothes on, and get rid of the disguise.

    Now that I am retired, I can wear what I want, when I want, and I do!
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2015
    Charlotte, Sounds like a good decision. BTW, after you visit bqd, please stop here so we can visit that ice cream stand. (Yes, it's the kind that has no indoor seating, just picnic tables outside.)
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2015

    So happy to read that you decided to stay. I think is was the right decision for you both, at least for now.
    Who knows what will happen down the road - worry about it later. Try to enjoy your "comfort zone"
    while you can.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2015 edited
    June will be one second longer this year than usual. When the clock strikes 12:59:59 on June 30, it is also going to strike the time 12:59:60 before turning over.

    The year isn't quite 365 1/4 days long. That's why every millenium even though it's divisible by four - it's not a leap year. Most people don't experience that because in 2000 it was just the second time we've gone through it and the first time in history we actually did it. In 1000 there were no clocks. That was the one where all the computers were going to fail. I tested that early in 1999 by reseting the internal clock of a PC to just five minutes before and watched what happened which was nothing much.

    This is one of the more minor adjustments which is supposed to occur at mid year. Because humans can't count though we do it on June 30 which is actually the 181st day with 184 to go. Nevermind.

    While I'm here fixing a typo, the last time there was a major adjustment was when the Gregorian Calendar was invented to replace the Julian Calendar which was so inaccurate that the planting and harvesting seasons had moved out of whack. When England adapted it in 1752, it required skipping ahead by 11 days. There were riots because the populace wanted the 11 days back that had been stolen from them. They couldn't distinguish between calling the next day a name and the next day being the next day whatever anyone calls it. Nevermind.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2015
    There are 182 more sleeps to the big day (but I'm not counting -- I'm just a grumpy elf!) Are there still a lot of days till Christmas 2015? It ALWAYS seems like there are a lot of days to Christmas! Well, there are 182 days to be exact or 15,663,549 seconds! (take a few seconds away depending how when you read this!)
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2015
    Christmas. Ha! The customer service around here is terrible! I know. In fact I wrote Bruce Jenner just a while ago telling him I knew exactly how he, I mean she felt. He got the wrong body. Well, I got the wrong womb. I'm supposed to be rich I just know it in my heart and instead I popped out into The Simpsons in lederhosen. Who're you going to call? I'm dreaming of a Monaco christmas. What happened to that? Bruce went out and bought himself a couple of water balloons and a new virginia but I only have a hole in my empty place where my house in the Hamptons should be. Instead of Wolf I could have been Wayne...Wayne Hilton. The brother Paris never had to share all that wealth...I mean my birthright with. Or I could have been William. William Trump. I'd have been proud to wear a dead animal on my head just like daddy as long as a couple of Mercedes were involved. But no. I got Hans and Gretel get by in Peoria and I can tell you how that played. In fact I'd love to tell someone how that played but like I said the customer service is just terrible. There isn't even a phone number. I'm dreaming of a villa in Capri for Christmas and enough Apple stock to wallpaper the ballroom but I'm not holding my breath. In 1800 hours I become a senior citizen and my hair is turning into a white brillo pad. My chest has disappeared and my breasts look like two tiny Mt Fuji's with snow covered brush on an old washboard. My buttcheeks with which I used to crack walnuts have evaporated away and are like two pinto beans unable to keep my jeans up without a belt. Sitting in a heavy wind I can actually lean downwind balancing on the pinto beans like a Wallenda with virtigo. What was I saying? Oh yah. I could have been Wally Wllenda. Maybe I should leave well enough alone.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2015 edited
    TMI !

    P.S. Have you considered applying for a job teaching creative writing?
    • CommentAuthorLizbeth
    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2015
    Yes I love reading your posts Wolf. You can keep trying out your creative writing here.
    Wolf, You make me smile : )
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2015
    Thanks. It's good to hear that me working out my deep emotional issues is helping keep someone awake. What I can't believe is that you just get plunked down somewhere and good luck with life. Would it kill someone to ask first? "How's this for you?" Well, no, actually, this is fine with the hunchback shoe repairman and Lilly von Stupp living in the back of a truck. I don't think so.

    It's a rainy day around here today. I have the windows open 24/7 (large overhanging eaves) and the furnace hasn't come on in weeks either way. It takes a few days to get used to the birds but just like streetcars in the city, they don't bother my snoring anymore. My neighbour installed solar lights in their front garden. Instead of white light it sparkles different colours. They put in about 10 of them and it's a little like a christmas tree with tourettes syndrome. Those lights dance on my bedroom ceiling which could be really annoying if I didn't sleep with the light on. The main reason we all get along on this court is that everyone is a bit nuts so no one really notices.

    Not walnuts. And no, I didn't.