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    Vickie, had a life threatening heart attack. I just read this on Facebook. She is doing well due to immediate medical attention however, please pray for her.
    Roger willco. Keep us updated, if it is OK with her.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    Everyone please send hugs, prayers, good wishes, whatever you can to this dear, sweet, wonderful woman.

    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    I will certainly keep Vickie in my prayers for a full recovery. So sad this had to happen when she finally
    found some happiness again.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    Get well Vickie and fully recover.
    I've always loved your posts and I know that you'll
    be OK........I just know it
    Vickie-get well and get home to Millie.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    Vickie was one of the first people to welcome me to this site. My heart and prayers go out to her and her loved ones for a speedy recovery
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    here is the post that was on her page:

    To all of Vickie's friends..her good good wonderful feeling turned out to be not so good about 8 am..Vickie had a life threatening heart attack and was life flown to Tallahassee Hospital Sunday morning. It all happened so fast--life can change in an instant. Doctors say the decision to get her to hospital fast saved her life. She has been moved from ICU this afternoon to a room and she is doing well, but will remain in the hospital the rest of the week. Thanks for your prayers and she says thank you, too.
    Vickie I am with George, I just know you will be ok!!!!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    Come on Vickie fight!!!!!! You can do it. You have so much to live for.

    Hugs Jazzy
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    Adding my prayers to all of her friends here. Thanks for letting us all know.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    Latest word is she is fine and going home tomorrow.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    Thank is certainly good news!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    Vickie, so glad to know you're on the mend. You gave us all a good scare. Prayers and good wishes coming your way for a very speedy recovery
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    Charlotte, thanks so much for the update.

    Vickie, wonderful news - always feels better on your home turf. Take care of yourself.

    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2015
    Any update?

    And what happened to Bama? Wasn't she going to be moved into that new place by now?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2015
    Vicki is home and doing fine. She is back to posting her morning greeting on FB: What a beautiful 71 deg. on my bakcony at 5:22 ith my 1st cuppa! so good, life is so good!Another great day today!

    Hope Vicki doesn't mind me posting it here!
    Oh just seeing this thread now. Dear Vicki.
    I am with everyone else here wishing you a full recovery.
    Will be great to hear from you again.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2015
    Thanks Charlotte.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2015
    Vickie, I'm so glad you're doing well. I just saw this thread as well. I've known you on this site since I came on in 2009. I'm glad you're enjoying life again.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2015
    Vickie, you've been in my thoughts since I heard you were sick. Hopefully, you are feeling better and enjoying June. God bless.
    tHanks Charlotte and to all for your prayers. A sacary time. Stroke hAS LEFT MY LEFT HABDS WEAK AND I can' t typ34 type well. othewrwise doing goodd! Strange to have someone taking care of me! You men ARE WONDERRFUL CAREGIVERS!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015 edited
    Tell him.

    edit - (just drop the word caregiver)
    Vickie, I am so glad to see you are back. A scary time indeed. And it's good that you have someone to help you now.
    I have and will, Wolf.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    You recover fully. Ignore fear. We're all going to die anyway which is no suprise - but can we live? I'm not pretending it's easy. Just very worthwhile.

    You're the one I told what I discovered first early last year. I want you to recover completely. All the best.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015
    Vickie its wonderful to hear you are recovering nicely!! take care of you!
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015

    Welcome back! So glad to hear that you are doing better.
    Good to let someone take care of you for a change.

    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2015
    Good to see you back here Vickie.
    Thank you all. I am in the land of the living again and it feels so good!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2015
    Good to hear Vickie.
    I DIDN'T LET GO FOR OVER 14 YRS. NOW i justlet it go and all the good washes over me.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2015
    Isn't it a sure sign that we are here and whole in important ways when we can celebrate the good? I believe that.

    Losing my love hasn't made me sour on love. For a while it did but I believe all love between two people is a blessing in life and ultimately that belief has allowed me to enjoy seeing love around me again in real life and in stories. The best thing people share in life is to feel love - without a single concern for exactly what that means on a given minute.

    Love is everywhere. I took care of my cats all the way through but only lately have I come to love them again. I'm investing my feelings (such as they are) into them and even though I know they're going to break my heart - we're all happier.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2015
    As significant and momentous as it is decency and the recognition of love.