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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015 edited
    Hi everyone,

    I have been in a mind numbing, serious funk lately - blog is coming soon to explain my situation.

    In the meantime, I have found something to amuse and distract me other than the usual brainless computer games. I found the app in the app store on my phone. I don't know if it's available for tablets. It's free and it's called YouCam Makeup. It lets you take a picture of yourself, then gives you ENDLESS possibilities of face, eye, lip, cheek makeup to put on. Also hair styles and colors. The choices really are endless and so much fun to play around with. Then, of course, you can save all of your news looks in an album. Last night, I gave myself longer, darker eyebrows, long, dark false eyelashes, cat like eyeliner, stage worthy silver eye shadow, and short, pixie cut RED hair. Perfect way to escape the nightmare Hell I am living and an alternative to computer solitaire, gin rummy, and Tetris. Sometimes a girl's just gotta have some fun.
    What a hoot. If you want a nice, relaxing app., look for "Marine Aquarium." I love that one…so soothing. And I've been playing a lot of Solitaire, with real playing cards (not on the computer), either at the kitchen table or out on the screened porch's table if it's warm enough. Mindless and soothing…and no eyestrain from too much screen time.

    Canadians may know that single-player card game as "Patience."
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    elizabeth - at least in my part of Canada, we call it solitaire, although definitely the British name is "patience".
    I know several forms of the game, and when I was in the hospital for my extended stay with my gall bladder, the nursing staff were surprised to see me playing solitaire with real cards instead of on a computer - including one form that needed two decks! :-)
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    I have to figure a way of letting you see these pictures of "made up" Joan without putting them on FB. I just did one of me with heavy stage make up and long black hair. It is surely keeping me occupied and taking my mind off of all of the depressing things I could be thinking about.

    I think I have figured out a way to somewhat sort of privately show you the pictures. I'll work on it tomorrow night. Ever wanted to see how you would look made up as um, well, not so ladylike? I just did it and the result wasn't bad at all.

    Oh, the things we do to take our minds off of our distress.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2015
    get a free blog page and post them there. Or you can post them in our FB page that only members can see