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    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2015
    metacomet asked what supplements have we tried.

    My husband is on galantamine but I have no idea if it helps mask the symptoms. When he missed two days in a row I saw no difference. I should have just withheld it until I saw a change - or no change.

    He takes fish oil, Vit D3, Vit E , CoQ10, daily liquid vitamin, B12, garlic. Use to take cinnamon, tumeric, and magneseum before I ran out and have not bought anymore. I started the tumeric in 2009 after reading a small study in Korea on it, but never saw a difference.

    He was diagnosed in 2008 and has been progressing slowly, too slowly for me but that is another story.
    with no supplements my wife suffered from AD for over 12 years after diagnosis. As long as she eats a good diet, I don't think they do any good, except to the stockholders of the manufacturer.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2015
    I mainly give the antioxidants to help us from getting sick with other things.
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2015
    We tried a lot of different ones. The only one that seemed to help was a derivative of tumeric - a curcumin that was supposed to be more bioavailable and at a higher dose than most. Super Bio-Curcumin, made by Life Extensions. I could find it discounted on Amazon. It really seemed to improve his functioning the first two years, along with the Aricept. In fact, I thought at the time he got more gain from that than the Aricept as there was improvement when adding it.