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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2015

    Dh is possibly going to have to have TURP done as his prostate in now starting to limit the amount of urine he can get out. The Dr. has put him back on the meds he had before to try to shrink it. She will then decide wether to send him to a urologist in three months.
    I would like to hear from any of you whose partner had this done.


    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2015
    My husband had it done. I can't remember how long ago but it was definitely after his diagnosis, which was in 2007. He was always very matter-of fact about medical procedures and he explained it clearly to me beforehand. I was horrified by the whole thing and almost went around the bend. (I am such a chicken when it comes to medical stuff.) It was an outpatient procedure. When we went to the hospital to check in and he was asked what he was there for, he responded, "I have absolutely no idea." Until that moment, I did not realize how impaired his memory was. After the procedure, he described it to me vividly but it did not seem to bother him. After he was released, he had a catheter for a short while, which annoyed him.

    Anyhow, my husband weathered the procedure very well and it really helped him. He periodically has an ultrasound scan of his bladder done and it shows almost no urine retention. He takes Flomax once a day. Since Kevan is in a LTC facility with medical professionals (as opposed to chickens) on staff, he would probably have a lot of competent help after the procedure. One thing that would concern me is the anesthesia. I would certainly talk to the doctor ahead of time about the effects of that on his cognition.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2015
    Agreed re the anesthesia. See if they can do a spinal. THey sedate them (just not with anesthesia) before it's done. My husband had it done very early on in dementia, but I would say that if meds can't control it, it's probably one of the few operations that really does need to happen, for his comfort and to limit UTIs. I haven't been on much, Jazzy, so am not sure what the progression is with your husband.
    • CommentAuthorBruce *
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2015
    Dear Jazzy

    Several years ago (about 15 years +-) because of an enlarged prostate I had what they called a TUNA procedure it was much less invasive and used a microwave wand to remove excess tissue that was blocking the uretha and causing blockage and poor stream. It was very successful and caused almost no discomfort and very little bleeding. Now all these years later I am scheduled for the TURP procedure due to the same problem (an enlarged prostate and poor stream) Dr. says that they can remove as much or as little tissue necessary for best results. When I questioned him about entire removal he stated that since is no cancer is there insurance will not pay for removal so guess I am stuck with what they can do since there is no cancer. Do not be afraid to question the Dr about alternatives because if a lesser invasive procedure will do the job it may work just as good for him.

    I wish him the best and to you also

    Bruce *
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2015 edited
    Thank you Bruce for the info.

    I will follow up with the Dr. if they decide to do a procedure right now they are trying meds for three months.mi hope that works as I am concerned about anethsetics

    • CommentAuthorBruce *
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2015
    Jazzy do you know what meds they are suggesting? If it is Proscar it takes 6 months for it to reduce the prostate and it contain female hormones which can affect a whole lot of other things so be sure to talk to the DR about which medicine he is prescribing. I presently am taking Proscar and as soon as I have this procedure I am stopping it as I do not like the side effects. I realize that not everyone who takes a medicine is effected but just giving you me personal circumstance. Do not be shy about asking questions of the Dr.

    good luck and I wish you both well
    Bruce *
    Definitely discuss anesthesia options.