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    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeMay 10th 2015
    Yes, I know that there are no gremlins where we live. But someone is constantly doing things that make me crazy--leaving doors open that are supposed to be closed, and closing doors that are supposed to be open; leaving the front door unlocked; putting things away somewhere I can't find them; leaving lights on in the middle of the night, and turning lights off in the room I'm in. The refrigerator door is left open, and the stove is turned on. Things disappear right when I need them. Things are left in the middle of the floor where sometimes I trip over them. There is a puddle of water where no puddle should be. Ice cream is put in the refrigerator instead of the freezer, or left out on the counter. A door to the car is left open. And on and on...

    Little things, right? Except when they happen over and over and over (and over and over), and you find yourself being hyper-aware of everything, always on edge, and always having to scan for what's out of kilter. Then it gets very tiring. I don't really remember reading too much about this in AD literature, but it's a big part of my everyday life.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 10th 2015
    yep sure is.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMay 10th 2015
    Sounds like when my dear husband was home,turn all water off and remove knobs from range every night,leaving the frig door open really got me,but I tried to remember that he couldn't help it.Before AZ he was such a reliable person.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 10th 2015
    Jan - one of the first signs of my DH's dementia was when I found the celery in the cutlery drawer. Back then he was still doing some cooking.

    Now, if my DH has done the dishes, one of my daily mental exercises is trying to guess just where a wooden spoon, can opener, potato peeler, might have got to THIS time. But my favorite exercise is to remember not to bang my knees on the kitchen towel rack that gets pulled out somehow or other, and never put back.

    These gremlins certainly keep us alert!
    I used to come from work and start playing hide and seek before I could cook dinner.
    Bedroom window wide open in subzero weather, only two of us in house, but he didn't know who opened it. Keys locked in running pickup when he came home from town. Tea candle wax running down vanity in bathroom from candles he left burning (tea candles) on the counter, could have caused fire! He thought they smelled nice. Seeing water on lawn from leaking pipe and not saying anything, figured it would quit, I found out when mowing lawn and running through the water. Oh yes, many others too numerous to mention. I'm sure everyone here has or had thing like this happen. All you can do is hope that there is no disasterous outcome from these "gremlin" deeds.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2015
    Very common, Jan!
    I can SO relate to your examples Jan. I guess if one didn't live in our world, those examples might seem like little things. As we know though, once they get going and go on and on, we - I should say "I" used to think I was going to go stark raving mad. The hyper vigilance that follows is exhausting.
    New hose is missing. DH told me that someone came to the garage and borrowed it, and I was the person who gave his hose away. DH is quite angry with me that I let this person take his new hose. I was in a lot of trouble because I did not remember giving the hose to this person.

    This week, I found the hose in a drawer in the garage. No wonder I didn't remember loaning out the hose.

    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 12th 2015
    Gremlins!!! So THAT'S the answer - Dan never, I repeat never does any of those strange things himself! It has to be me! Now I can tell him it's the gremlins.